

This section of the website contains a series of posts which explain the Gospel "message of truth" as it was "once for all [time] handed down to the saints" in NT Scripture. We will begin by offering some helpful notes…

There Is a God

In days and centuries past, men understood and acknowledged that there was a God, even if they chose not to obey Him (Act 17:23; Rom 1:20–22; cf. 2Co 4:4). But in today’s modern, so-called “enlightened” society dominated by public opinion…


God’s Creation

We see it written, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (i.e., this universe; Gen 1:1; cf. Gen 1:1–2:25; Exo 20:11; 1Ch 16:26; Pro 3:19–20; 8:22–30; Psa 8:3–8; 33:6; 75:3; 102:25; 104:24; 115:15; 121:2; 124:8; 136:5; Isa…


A Benediction

God does not grow tired.
He does not grow weary.
He does not need a day off.
He does not need to call in sick.
He does not need a vacation.
He does not need to stop and rest.
He does not need a time-out.
He does…

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