
There Is a God

In days and centuries past, men understood and acknowledged that there was a God, even if they chose not to obey Him (Act 17:23; Rom 1:20–22; cf. 2Co 4:4). But in today’s modern, so-called “enlightened” society dominated by public opinion…


Science vs. the Bible

Before we can continue further, we must deal with some of the false teachings of man that are masquerading as science. Many people are mistakenly under the impression that science has disproven the Bible simply because that is what they…


Choosing a Bible

It is through His Word, the Holy Bible (i.e., Scripture), that God has revealed Himself to us (as well as through His Son Jesus Christ). We are therefore called to read and study Scripture daily as a child of God.…

Reading & Studying The Bible

Many new believers fret needlessly over finding just the right Bible “reading plan.” In fact, entire books, apps, and websites are written and created to help with this, and even further, whole Bibles are cut up and reprinted in some…


Being a Berean

“Being a Berean” is a paraphrase of Acts 17:10–11, meaning to study the Scriptures “daily” to see what they say and to compare everything you read and hear against what is written in Scripture. Scripture calls that type of person…


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