Christ Died for Our Sins

Photo: Landscape Arch, Arches National Park, Moab, Utah. United States. ©1998-2023 R. John Anderson

Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. – 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Ahora les hago saber, hermanos, el evangelio que les prediqué, el cual también ustedes recibieron, en el cual también están firmes, por el cual también son salvos, si retienen la palabra que les prediqué, a no ser que hayan creído en vano. Porque yo les entregué en primer lugar lo mismo que recibí: que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, conforme a las Escrituras; que fue sepultado y que resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras. – 1 Corintios 15:1-4

Christ died for all your sins (John 3:16-17; 1 Pet. 3:18; Rom. 4:25). No sin is too great to be forgiven by the blood of Christ (John 12:47; Mark; 2:17; Matt. 11:19; Acts 2:38; 10:43; 26:18). Come, now, today, just as you are, no matter how bad you are or have been, and receive forgiveness of sin by “the blood of Christ” and be “born again” to “new life” in Jesus. We may not get tomorrow, and remember, there are no “second chances” after death (Heb. 9:27); you must prepare to meet God before you die (Rom. 14:10-11; Php. 2:10). It is only by being covered by “the blood of Christ” that you can stand on the Great Day of Judgment and hear God declare the verdict of “NOT GUILTY” of sin for your case (Matt. 26:28; Acts 5:31; 10:43; 13:38; 26:18; Col. 1:14)! And get this – the amazing thing is that Jesus will be your Judge on that day (John 5:22, 27; Matt. 28:18; 1 Cor. 15:24; Rev. 20:12; ), but if you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, He will also be your attorney! Friend, do you know what having the Judge as your attorney means? That is the grace of God (Eph. 2:8). Amazing, and amen!

Content Taken From: Faith Cards. Used With Permission.

Cite this article: Anderson, R. John. "Christ Died for Our Sins." Iron Sharpens Iron (isi.bible). Access date: March 12, 2025. https://isi.bible/rays-of-hope-booklets/faith-cards/christ-died-for-our-sins/amp/

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