Helpful Websites

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time;
many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” – Daniel 12:4

Pero tú, Daniel, guarda en secreto estas palabras y sella el libro hasta el tiempo del fin.
Muchos correrán de aquí para allá, y el conocimiento aumentará». – Daniel 12:4

I’ve found the websites listed below to be helpful and generally free of false teachings. However, please note that I do not completely agree with or endorse all content in these resources. Great discernment must be used when reading, recommending, and using any non-inspired resources written by man. As mentioned in the Choosing a Bible page, be especially wary of all commentaries, notes contained in study bibles, and even the headings in your Bible which have been added by man (the ones inserted in between chapters/sections of the Bible by the publishers) – these are all simply the words of man and not inspired, and they offer a great opportunity for the authors/editors/publishers to inject their own particular bias, doctrines, and false teachings. This warning applies especially to any notes, commentary, and headlines dealing with Bible prophecy and eschatology (end-times matters) that have been published after the late 1800s, for they are infected and corrupted badly with the Dispensational Premillennialism false teaching (with very few exceptions).

As always, when using any resource, look to see who they are affiliated with, as doing so will help you understand if their material can be trusted to be in agreement with the Divine “message of truth” (not the false doctrines, fake gospels, myths, “traditions,” and “commandments of men” — see the Beware the Wolves page).




The following websites are recommended for their scientific articles:


[1] Some of these churches offer live streaming of their services for those who are remote.

Cite this article: Anderson, R. John. "Helpful Websites." Iron Sharpens Iron (isi.bible). Access date: March 12, 2025. https://isi.bible/helpful-resources/helpful-websites/amp/

Helpful Resources

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