Helpful Books

Trustworthy resources for the Christian

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Toda Escritura es inspirada por Dios y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto, equipado para toda buena obra. – 2 Timoteo 3:16-17

We are very blessed to have available to us today the good works and writings of many wonderful men of God who have come before us, true saints of the faith, many of whom also gave their lives for Christ as martyrs. Today, at more than at any time in history, we have a wealth of information available to read and learn from, along with the freedom to read and have access to these materials.

I’ve found the resources/books listed below to be helpful and predominantly free of false teachings. However, please note that I do not completely agree with or endorse all content in these resources. Great discernment must be used when reading, recommending, and using any non-inspired resources written by man. While many other wonderful resources are available, I’ve only included those I can vouch for personally as ones that will not lead you astray.

As mentioned in the Choosing a Bible page, be especially wary of all commentaries, notes contained in study bibles, and even the headings in your Bible which have been added by man (the ones inserted in between chapters/sections of the Bible by the publishers) – these are all simply the words of man and not inspired, and they offer a great opportunity for the authors/editors/publishers to inject their own particular bias, doctrines, and false teachings. This warning applies especially to any notes, commentary, and headlines dealing with Bible prophecy and eschatology (end-times matters) that have been published after the late 1800s, for they are infected and corrupted badly with the Dispensational Premillennialism false teaching (with very few exceptions).

Some of the books are out of print and may therefore be difficult to find. However, I recommend that you try to find and read editions that were printed as close to the original author’s first date of publication as possible, as newer revisions offer an opportunity once again for editors and publishers to twist, distort, or even rewrite the original author’s content and introduce their own false doctrines and teachings.

As always, when using any resource, look to see who they are affiliated with, as doing so will help you understand if their material can be trusted to be in agreement with the Divine “message of truth” (not the false doctrines, fake gospels, myths, “traditions,” and “commandments of men”).


  • The Message of Truth, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2018, 2021, 2022 (The basis for this website, También disponible en Español El Mensaje de la Verdad)
  • The Highway of Holiness, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2022 (También disponible en Español El Camino de Santidad)
  • Jesus > Addiction, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2022 (También disponible en Español)
  • Jesus > Anxiety, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2022 (También disponible en Español)
  • The Commandments of Christ, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2022 (También disponible en Español)
  • The Last Day, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2022
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan, Republished by Holy Spirit Prints, 1678/2018
  • Beyond the Tomb, by H. M. Riggle, The Gospel Trumpet Company/Holy Spirit Prints, 1929/2018
  • Rays of Hope, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2022
  • Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, by Matthew Henry, 1706-1710/1721 [Note: this work was completed in 1721 after his death by others who tried to complete his work. There are also many revisions titled Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary, either complete or concise/abridged. The later versions are marked as “carefully revised and corrected” or “new modern edition,” however, I strongly recommend you find and use his original exposition version (up to the date 1721). What I’ve learned is that when someone says “revised” or “corrected,” it often means that they have altered it to fit their own theology!]
  • A New Testament Commentary, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2011
  • The Prophets, An Old Testament Commentary, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2015
  • The Acts of the Apostles, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2005
  • Jesus Christ The Master Teacher, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2013
  • The Sabbath and the Lord’s Day, by H. M. Riggle, The Gospel Trumpet Company, 1918
  • The New Answers Books (1-4), by Ken Ham et al., Answers in Genesis, 1982
  • The Bible on Trial, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2009
  • The Bible and Science, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2000
  • The Parables in Profile, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 1978
  • The Human Body, Accident or Design, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2000
  • Science Speaks, by Peter W. Stoner, Robert C. Newman, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1969/1976
  • Biblical Figures of Speech, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2005
  • Why Did My Savior Have To Die?, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications
  • The Church of Christ, A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today, by Everett Ferguson, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996
  • The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today, by Jack Cottrell, College Press Publishing, 2002
  • Faith’s Fundamentals, by Jack Cottrell, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1995
  • Baptism, A Biblical Study, by Jack Cottrell, College Press Publishing Co., 1989
  • The Momentous Event, by W. J. Grier, Evangelical Bookshop, 1945
  • Christ’s Triumphal Reign, by H. M. Riggle, Gospel Trumpet Company, 1930
  • Premillennialism, A System of Infidelity, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications
  • Bible Words and Theological Terms Made Easy, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2002
  • Rays of Hope, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2017
  • Faith Cards, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2017
  • His Perfect Strength, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2017
  • The Peace of God, by R. John Anderson, Holy Spirit Prints, 2019
  • The Kingdom of God, by H. M. Riggle, The Gospel Trumpet Company, 1903
  • Christ’s Second Coming and What Will Follow, by H. M. Riggle, 1872
  • Jesus Is Coming Again, by H. M. Riggle, The Gospel Trumpet Company, 1943
  • Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (The Actes and Monuments), by John Foxe, 1563 (English version).
  • Creation, Evolution and the Age of the Earth, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 1989
  • The book of Job, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 1983
  • Revelation, by Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier Publications, 2004
  • The Jewish War, by Titus Flavius Josephus
  • Antiquities of the Jews, by Titus Flavius Josephus
  • The Church History, by Eusebius of Caesarea
  • The Christian Church, Its Rise and Progress, by H. M. Riggle, The Gospel Trumpet Company, 1912
  • The Pilgrim Church: An Account of Continuance Through Centuries of Christian Churches Practising Biblical Principles Taught in the New Testament, E. H. Broadbent, Adansonia Publishing, 2018
  • The Heavenly Footman, by John Bunyan, 1698
  • The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. With a Commentary and Critical Notes (Adam Clarke’s commentary), by Adam Clarke, 1831
  • Nobody Left Behind, by David Vaughn Elliot, 2004
  • New Testament Commentary (14 Vol. Set), by H. Leo Boles; C. E. W. Dorris; Guy N. Woods; Robert H. Milligan; David Lipscomb; John Thomas Hinds, Gospel Advocate Company, 1987

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Anderson, R. John. "Helpful Books." Iron Sharpens Iron (isi.bible). Access date: October 17, 2024. https://isi.bible/helpful-resources/helpful-books/

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Iron Sharpens Iron is an online bible study resource for the “born again” (John 3:7) Christian who desires to “grow in the grace and knowledge [understanding] of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:17-18), work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Php. 2:12), Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15) , and contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all [time] handed down to the saints” (Jude 3) in New Testament Scripture.



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