
A Faith Tune-Up

Test yourself. Examine Yourselves!

Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test? – 2 Corinthians 13:5

Pónganse a prueba para ver si están en la fe. Examínense a sí mismos. ¿O no se reconocen a ustedes mismos de que Jesucristo está en ustedes, a menos de que en verdad no pasen la prueba? – 2 Corintios 13:5

We must not take our eternal salvation lightly or for granted or just casually stroll toward heaven (Heb 4:1; 2Co 13:5; Php 2:12–13; 2Pe 1:10; 3:14; Php 3:12–14; 1Ti 6:12; 2Ti 4:7–8; cf. Mat 19:30). Rather, we are to “be diligent” (2Ti 2:15; Heb 4:11; 2Pe 1:15; 3:14), “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Php 2:12), and run toward heaven with all our energy, attention, and seriousness (Mat 22:37; Mar 12:30; Luk 10:27). Scripture further instructs us to “test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?” (2Co 13:5). This self-examination should be ongoing (constant) and rigorous (thorough), and it encompasses a number of aspects:

  • Is our behavior (thoughts, motives, words, deeds, actions) in line with the standards set out for a Christian in Scripture (Mat 5:1–7:27;), or are we “disqualifying” (see 1Co 9:27) ourselves by partaking in sinful actions, behaviors, thoughts, words, and deeds,[1]
  • Are we being “obedient” to the “commandments” of Christ and the instructions of His apostles (Joh 14:15, 21–24; 1Jn 2:3–5; 5:2–3),[2]
  • Do we have “a clean heart,” which is grateful and thankful to God for all that He has done for and in us (see Psa 51:10; 69:30; 95:2; 147:7; Act 16:25; Rom 15:11; Col 3:15–16; Heb 13:15; Jas 5:13; Rev 19:5),
  • Are we still “abounding in the work of the Lord,” or have we become idle professors of faith (1Co 15:58; Gal 6:9),[3]
  • Are we continuing to “mature” as a Christian and “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2Pe 3:18; Col 1:9–12; Heb 6:1; Php 3:12–14),[4]
  • Are we still fervent in our faith, or have we “left our first love” and become “lukewarm” (see Rev 2:4; 3:16),
  • Are we still reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word “daily” (Act 17:11; Mat 4:4; Psa 1:2),[5]
  • Are we “standing firm in our faith” (see 1Co 16:13; Eph 6:11–14; Php 4:1; 1Th 3:8; 2Th 2:15; 1Pe 5:12),[6] and
  • Are we still in the true and correct Gospel, which is “the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints” (Jud 3) in NT Scripture, or have we been “tricked” or “deceived” into following “deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (1Ti 4:1) (i.e., the false teachings and “fake gospels” (paraphrase) of men, committees, and institutions), and thereby at risk of having our “crown of life” (Jas 1:12; Rev 2:10; 2Ti 4:8; 1Pe 5:4; Rev 3:11) “taken from us” (i.e., stolen; see Rev 3:11; cf. Hos 4:6; Rom 10:2).[7]


To help with your self-examination, I’ve put together a little quiz so you can check to see if there are areas that need improvement—maybe a little faith “tune-up” is necessary.[8] Please use this list a starting point; I’m sure you will think of other areas that also need to be examined. Please also answer each question honestly; if you don’t do that, you’re only fooling yourself, not God.[9]


(Circle One)

Were you born again according to the instructions we have been given in Scripture? Note that this includes being baptized by immersion as a believing adult “for the forgiveness of sins.”[10]



Have you confessed (and are you still confessing) Christ before others?



Have you been obedient to the commandments of Christ (and the instructions of His apostles)? Do you know what all of these commandments are?[11]



Do you often (periodically) stop and ponder (think on, remind yourself) how unimaginably big and powerful God really is and that He simply spoke all things—yes, this entire universe—into existence? He simply spoke, and it was!



Have you reflected deeply on Who God really is—His holiness, majesty, nature, power, and glory? His omniscience and omnipresence?



Do you understand deep down that God upholds all things simply by His Word and that all life comes from Him?



Do you really believe that the earth is the Lord’s and all it contains—the entire world and all those who dwell in it?



Do you really believe deep down that you are a bond-servant of Christ (i.e., that Christ purchased you by His blood on the cross, having redeemed you from bondage to sin, Satan, and death, and that He owns you)?



Do you believe that you are now doing all things by the power of Christ living in you, not by your own might, strength, or willpower?



Do you deeply understand that we walk by faith and not by sight?



Do you believe that God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him and call on His name (not just some things at some times)? (Note: This can be for the collective good of all believers, as some things that may appear to hurt one Christian will actually benefit others in ways that we do not know or understand.)



Do you cast your AWDF on Him through prayer?



Do you make your petitions (requests) known to Him through prayer with thanksgiving?



Have you properly prepared the horse for battle and are now trusting in God for the outcome, whether it be victory or otherwise, according to His will?



Do you truly want God’s will to be done instead of your own?



Do you understand deep down that as high as the heavens are above the earth, so also His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are higher than our ways, and we may not always understand all things (the whys)?



Do you believe that God is love, at all times, in all things?



Do you believe that God knows all things (He is omniscient)?



Do you believe deep down that Jesus is right there with you, where you are, this very day?



Do you understand that Jesus Christ is right now ruling and reigning in His kingdom, seated next to the Father in heaven?



Do you believe that Jesus will raise you up on the last day (the Day of Judgment), as He has claimed?



Do you believe that God sees all things that happen everywhere and to everyone (i.e., that nothing whatsoever is hidden from Him)?



Do you refresh yourself periodically by seeing (reading) how the giants of the faith handled stressful situations (e.g., Daniel, Shadrack, Meshach, Abed-nego, King David, Peter, Paul, etc.)?



Have the desires of your heart changed to start seeking the things above instead of the things of this world?



Do you understand that there is no such thing as good (or bad) luck for a Christian?



Do you believe that every single word of the Bible is true?



Do you believe deep down that God will keep every single one of His promises as recorded in His Word?



Do you believe that the nations (governments) are all under the control and direction of God (He rules them with a rod of iron)?



Do you deeply believe that God knows what you need as well as what you want and that He knows (and wants) what is best for you (i.e., if you got some things you have asked/prayed for, it might actually not be good for you)?



Have you read Scripture recently? Do you read, study, and meditate on His Word every day? Do you seek His Word regarding specific issues and anxieties you may be facing?



Have you read the stories of how the great giants of the faith conducted themselves when facing extreme and even life-threatening situations?



Have you studied Scripture enough to even break through any of the dozens upon dozens of false teachings of man, or are you still stuck in one of the “isms” (e.g., Protestantism, Calvinism, Adventism, Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, etc.)?



Do you believe that we are in a spiritual war and that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places?



Have you continued growing in the grace and understanding of the Lord Jesus? Do you know and understand more about God, Jesus, and the Gospel today than you did a year ago?



Have you been thankful recently for what you do have (what God has given you) as opposed to focusing on what you don’t have?



Have you thanked the Lord recently for His love, mercy, grace, kindness, compassion, patience, and forgiveness?



Do you make time each and every day for prayer with God?



Have you given to those in need instead of always receiving?



Do you get down on your knees and humble yourself before God each and every day?



Have you prayed for others recently?



Have you “put on the armor of God” today?



Have you given thanks to God today?



Have you given to the Lord of your “first fruits” with a cheerful heart?



Do you really and truly trust in God for all things at all times?



Do you believe deep down that if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord—so whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s (His will be done)?



Do you understand that times of trial, tribulation, and persecution serve to test and strengthen your faith and serve as opportunities to draw even closer to God?



Do you deeply understand that He is God and we are not?



Do you believe that God will provide for your needs (food, clothing, shelter, etc.)?



Are you seeking the things above (the things of God and His kingdom) over the things of this world (money, fortune, fame, power, etc.)?



Have you helped someone in need?



Have you been assembling together with other believers?



Have you shared the “good news” of the Gospel and forgiveness of sins through Jesus or “given an account for the hope that is in you” with anyone today? How about yesterday? Last week? Last month? Last year? Ever?



Once again, I hope you were honest with yourself, as you are only fooling yourself if not. The answer to all the questions should be “Yes.” If you answered “No” to any question, then perhaps your faith could use a tune-up in that particular area. Also, please believe me that I understand how hard it is to always answer “Yes” to all of the questions, for we are human. Answering “No” to any question is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about; it simply helps to identify an area of weakness in your faith that needs either strengthening or a better understanding of what is written in Scripture. Remember, “the spiritual forces of darkness and wickedness [evil]” (paraphrase; see Eph 6:12) will attack us where we are weakest!

For any areas that need addressing, please go back and reread the appropriate sections of this book, and please also consult our other books The Gospel of the Grace of God and The Message of Truth, which provide a complete presentation of the Gospel as well as how to live your life as a Christian.


[1] See the chapters “Living in the Spirit” herein and “Changing Your Worldly Habits” in our book The Gospel of the Grace of God.

[2] See the chapter “Understanding Obedience” in our book The Gospel of the Grace of God.

[3] See the chapter “The Role of Works” in our book The Gospel of the Grace of God.

[4] See the chapter “Press on to Maturity.”

[5] See the chapter “Reading and Studying the Bible.”

[6] See the chapter “Persevere in Faith” in our book The Gospel of the Grace of God.

[7] For example, by returning to legalism or Sabbath-keeping (Gal 1:6–9; 3:1–3), being deceived by groups that actually deny the deity of Christ, thinking that one has been saved by saying a one-time “sinner’s prayer,” thinking that baptism isn’t required for salvation (so they never get baptized), and so on. See the chapter “Beware the Wolves” for more information and verse references.

[8] You may also want to set a reminder to take this quiz again a year from now to see if there have been any improvements.

[9] Note: I am not going to list the verses that pertain to each item. Having made it this far, you should have already read and studied hundreds of verses that cover this material. Consider that task as homework I’m giving you. If you want a printable PDF of this quiz so you can write the verses in, please visit: https://holyspiritprints.com/doc/faithquiz.pdf.

[10] If you answer no to this question, you really should stop right here and go review the chapter “The New Testament Plan of Salvation” before proceeding, for you are not actually even in the faith yet.

[11] See our book The Commandments of Christ if you need help in this area.

Cite this article:

Anderson, R. John. "A Faith Tune-Up." Iron Sharpens Iron (isi.bible). Access date: February 21, 2025. https://isi.bible/helpful-resources/faith-tune-up/

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Iron Sharpens Iron is an online bible study resource for the “born again” (John 3:7) Christian who desires to “grow in the grace and knowledge [understanding] of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:17-18), work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Php. 2:12), Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15) , and contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all [time] handed down to the saints” (Jude 3) in New Testament Scripture.



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