For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord
will come just like a thief in the night. – 1 Thessalonians 5:2
Pues ustedes mismos saben perfectamente que el día del Señor vendrá así como un ladrón en la noche. – 1 Tesalonicenses 5:2
Scripture warns us explicitly and repeatedly to “be on the alert” (Mat 24:36–25:13; Mar 13:35–37; Act 20:31; 1Co 16:13; Eph 6:18; 1Th 5:2–4; Rev 3:3; 16:15) for Jesus’ return, as “the day of judgment”[1] will arrive suddenly (i.e., “quickly” [1a]; Rev 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20), “like a thief in the night” (1Th 5:2; cf. 2Pe 3:10; Rev 3:3; 16:15), and when it is unexpected by nearly everyone (Mat 24:37–44; 25:1–13, 19; Luk 12:40; 17:26–36; 1Th 5:1–3; cf. 1Pe 3:20; Heb 11:7).[2] I do not want you to be uninformed, lest you be deceived by the many false teachings and fake prophecies about end-times Bible prophecy (eschatology) that are absolutely rampant today.[3], [4] The list of such seems almost endless and way too long to fully mention here, but it includes the following:
- Dispensational premillennialism[5]: the belief that Jesus’ return will only be to “rapture the church”[6] before the start of a “seven-year great tribulation” period, the rise of “The Antichrist,”[7] the Battle of Armageddon,[8] and so on—and then after all that—a new thousand-year (millennial) reign here on earth.
- The “AD 70 Theory”—the false doctrine of Preterism.
- Waiting for more signs and wonders in the skies (e.g., “blood moons,” etc.) to indicate Jesus’ return is nearing.
- Waiting for a “Third Temple” to be built.
- Waiting for the four horsemen of the apocalypse to go forth.[9]
- Waiting for more “wars and rumors of wars” to indicate the end is near.[10]
- And on and on the list of fake prophecies goes…
The false prophecies have one purpose: to lull you into complacency, causing you to procrastinate and delay in taking all of this “God and Jesus stuff” seriously and put off repenting and turning to the Lord today with a humble and contrite heart. Please understand that all Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled except that of (and subsequent to) Jesus’ return. Yes, Jesus’ return can now occur at any instant—all the prophetic preconditions that were to precede His return have already been met![11], [12]
I realize that statement will come as a complete shock to nearly everyone (even most professing Christians), so for the avoidance of any doubt whatsoever in what I’m saying here (and to repeat): Understand that at this moment in history, the very next prophetic event to occur will be “the last trumpet” of God sounding as Jesus returns and He appears in skies of “flaming fire” above for all to see in the absolutely awesome, stunning, and indescribable full “power” and “glory” of God Almighty with all His holy angels and saints. It will also be “the day of judgment,” the “last day” (which is the climax of human history and the very end of time itself which ushers in eternity), and which is also “the end, when He [Jesus] hands over the kingdom to the God and Father.”[13] And just like that—suddenly and unexpectedly by nearly everyone—Judgment Day will have arrived! Furthermore, the events of that Day will unfold “quickly” (rapidly, Rev 22:7, 12, 20), and there will be no more time to “prepare to meet your maker,” to “get right with God,” or to change your eternal destiny (either heaven or hell). Yes, Jesus’ return can happen at any instant now!
Again I say: We must “be on the alert,” for there will be no more signs and wonders in the skies (or elsewhere) preceding Jesus’ return and the arrival of Judgment Day. The only warning you will ever get is the one you are getting right now by reading this book as the Gospel is preached to you (Mat 3:7; 24:36–44; 25:10; Mar 13:32; Luk 12:40; 17:28–30; 2Pe 3:10; 1Th 5:2; Rev 3:3; 16:15; 22:12, 20; 2Co 5:20; Col 1:28; cf. Heb 11:7; 1Pe 3:19–20; 1Co 9:16; Exo 19:21; Isa 21:6–12; 62:6; Jer 6:17; Eze 3:17–21). Repent and turn to Christ right now—not tonight, tomorrow, or next week (Luk 12:16–21; Jas 4:13–16; cf. Jas 1:10–11; Eph 5:15–16; 1Pe 1:24; Psa 39:4–5; 90:9–12; 102:11; 144:4; Pro 27:1; Ecc 3:1–2).
Do not be “tricked” or “deceived”[14] into thinking you have more time as you wait to see the fake end-times prophecies of man occur before you take this Gospel and Jesus stuff seriously (2Pe 3:3–10). Do not wait until you see some future “Bible prophecy” event occur or until some mythical so-called “The Antichrist” person appears (Mat 24:36–51; 25:13; Mar 13:35; 1Th 5:1–6). Do not fall victim to the false prophecies of man! The only reason Jesus hasn’t returned yet and you are still able to read this is because “the Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2Pe 3:9; cf. 2Pe 3:4; 1Pe 3:20; Lam 3:22–23; Jer 29:11), and He is giving time for more people to turn to Him and receive forgiveness of sins (Rom 5:6, 8; 1Pe 1:20; Act 26:18; Joh 3:16–17; 1Th 1:9; 5:9; Tit 3:4; Lam 3:22–23; Jer 29:11). The next section of this book explains how you do that.
[1] See the chapter “The Day of Judgment” for verse references.
[1a] Despite popular belief, Scripture nowhere says that Jesus is coming “soon.” It says He is coming “quickly”—suddenly, rapidly, and unexpectedly.
[2] It will catch many off guard—even many professing Christians! Beware!
[3] The Book of Revelation is highly symbolic; many errors and false prophecies result when symbolic and figurative language is interpreted literally.
[4] See the chapters “Beware the Wolves” and “Some Popular False Teachings.”
[5] This fake prophecy comes in various permutations and flavors and actually consists of multiple false teachings, all jumbled together into a giant web of deception. It is being loudly shilled today from nearly every church, pulpit, seminary, book, movie, publication, broadcast, and media outlet on the planet (even secular ones)! But there is no such thing as a “secret rapture of the church,” with some being “left behind” before a new “thousand-year (millennial) earthly reign of Christ” anywhere in Scripture! As I have explained, when Jesus returns the next time, Judgment Day will have arrived—period, end of story (1Co 15:23–24)!
[6] This false teaching is immensely popular today. However, the only “rapture” that will occur is the one that happens at the end of time on Judgment Day when all the saved are “caught up” to meet the Lord in the air (1Th 4:17). I’ve also noticed that the more popular an end-times teaching/prophecy is, the less likely it is to agree with Scripture!
[7] There is no single “The Antichrist” political, economic, or nationalistic person called out in Scripture. Furthermore, the word antichrist doesn’t even appear in the Book of Revelation. The word antichrist means anyone who is set against or opposed to Christ. If you are still waiting for a fictional “The Antichrist” person to appear, you are being gullible and naïve.
[8] The Battle of Armageddon is spiritual; it is not a literal, physical battle here on earth.
[9] They have been going forth for two thousand years already!
[10] Matthew 24:6 and Mark 13:7 actually apply to the period preceding AD 70.
[11] Please, however, do not take this even remotely to mean that I support the Preterist interpretation (either full or partial) of the Book of Revelation—that is just another set of false teachings/fake prophecies (i.e., Preterism, Realized Eschatology, the “AD 70 Theory,” etc.); see the chapter “Beware the Wolves.” I concur with a later dating of the Book of Revelation (i.e., that it was written approximately AD 81-96).
[12] For example, the apostasy has already occurred, and the “man of lawlessness [sin]” (2Th 2:1–12) has been revealed (Rome, Papal) when the “restraining” force (Rome, Pagan) was removed.
[13] See the chapter “The Day of Judgment” for verse references.
[14] See the chapters “The Armor of God” and “Beware the Wolves” verse references.