The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction. – Proverbs 1:7
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness” – 1 Corinthians 3:19
El temor del Señor es el principio de la sabiduría;
Los necios desprecian la sabiduría y la instrucción. – Salmos 1:7
Porque la sabiduría de este mundo es necedad ante Dios. Pues escrito está: «Él es el que prende a los sabios en su propia astucia».– 1 Corintios 3:19
Before we can continue further, we must deal with some of the false teachings of man that are masquerading as science. Many people are mistakenly under the impression that science has disproven the Bible simply because that is what they have heard and been taught all their lives. However, in reality, just the opposite is true. Every advancement and discovery in science (and other fields, such as archaeology) has further proved that the Bible is, in fact, true.
The claim that science has disproven the Bible has become a deafening onslaught of propaganda and brainwashing (and that’s exactly what it is), repeated often and continuously. We are brainwashed[1] to be prejudiced against God from the time we are wee infants in our earliest cognizant developmental moments all the way up through the highest post-graduate educational levels. Yes, man sure can be a strange and illogical creature; he will believe his own concocted theories as opposed to the Word of God and also endlessly search for and chase after myths and nonsense[2] when all he has to do is look to God, who gives “eternal life”[3] freely to all who seek and obey Him (Joh 12:44–50; Rom 1:16–17, 18–32; Tit 1:2).
You need to realize that the earth is in the middle of a raging war. I’m not talking about the endless wars waged by man, which cause so much suffering. Rather, we are in a spiritual war, with the forces of God and good on one side and the forces of evil on the other side (led by Satan, his evil spirits, and those who do his bidding in this fallen world; Mat 16:23; Joh 8:44; 13:2; Act 13:10; 2Ti 2:26; 1Jn 3:8–10; Rev 2:9; 3:9; 17:12–13; cf. Isa 5:20–23): “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12; cf. 1Th 5:5; Joh 1:5; 3:19–20; 12:46; Psa 107:10–11; Mat 4:16; Luk 1:79).[4] Please understand that this war is not fought with guns, knives, swords, bombs, and tanks; it is a spiritual war fought with the tools outlined in Scripture (Eph 6:10–17). Please “do not be deceived”[5]: These “forces of darkness and wickedness [evil]” (paraphrase) are very real even though you cannot see them, and they are firmly set against you in spiritual warfare. They will lead you to eternal death if you let them, for they oppose all that is good and of God (2Co 4:4).
Their very first line of defense is to get you to doubt the Bible, particularly the first book of the Bible (Genesis) and, even more specifically, the very first sentences of Genesis. They know you won’t go any further if they stop you at that point. One major retailer even placed their Bibles in the fiction book section—I kid you not! That’s how determined they are to convince you that the Bible is not true. The second-greatest weapon they use against you is false teachings, which come not only from the secular, God-denying world but also from so-called “Christian” churches. Friend, please realize that all your life, you have been the victim of anti-God brainwashing, propaganda, lies, and distractions of man; they are all designed to lead you away from God, Christ, the truth of the Gospel, and eternal life and toward eternal death! The knowledge of the truth given in Scripture, which I give you in this book, is essential in countering their false teachings.
Many of these false teachings of man masquerade as science but are, in fact, fake science. You are told that these theories are true and proven by scientifically measured facts when they are instead mere illusions and deceptions of man brought to you by the secular world and its institutions. Please realize that nearly all schools, colleges, and universities (and even seminaries) are run and controlled by extremely liberal, secular, God-denying entities that are directly opposed to Christianity. The textbooks they teach from are also under their control and are also published by secular entities. For example, you have likely been taught—and very likely believe—that all of the following statements (expressed as questions) are based on established facts of science:
- Doesn’t evolution disprove the Bible? How can the seven literal days of creation in the Book of Genesis possibly be true?
- What about the dinosaurs? Don’t they disprove the Bible? And didn’t an asteroid kill them off millions of years ago?
- Don’t fossils prove that the Earth is millions or billions of years old and disprove the Bible?
- Doesn’t carbon dating prove that the Earth is millions or billions of years old and disprove the Bible?
- Don’t tree growth rings prove that the Earth is millions or billions of years old and disprove the Bible?
- Doesn’t geological erosion prove that the Earth is millions or billions of years old and disprove the Bible?
- Doesn’t natural selection disprove the Bible?
- Doesn’t science prove that there were many ice ages over millions of years of Earth’s history and disprove the Bible?
- Doesn’t light redshift prove that the universe is billions of years old and disprove the Bible?
- Don’t animals having sharp teeth prove that God’s original creation in the Garden of Eden wasn’t perfect and disprove the Bible (i.e., there had to be death with animals eating one another because some have sharp teeth)?
- Doesn’t the Big Bang theory disprove the Bible?
- Noah’s flood is just a myth, right? Isn’t a worldwide flood impossible?
However, the answer to these and many other commonly accepted (without challenge) “scientific” questions that claim to disprove the Bible is a resounding no! Nonetheless, the lies and cries of “millions and billions of years” for Earth’s history continue to emanate loudly and in blaring volume in an attempt to drown out God and the truth of the Bible. You must continually “be on guard” (Act 20:28) against it. As you can see from the headline verse of this chapter, the truth is often the exact opposite of what man claims. In fact, the general rule is that if man says or believes something that contradicts the Bible, then it is man who is wrong, not the Bible (Rom 3:4). While science can help us understand the physical world through its theories and measurements, it tells us absolutely nothing whatsoever about the spiritual world, about God, angels, heaven, hell, or even life and death. Only the Bible reveals the truth to us in such matters.
One teaching in particular, the theory of evolution (with its attendant millions or billions of years of Earth history connotation), is so widespread, popular, believed by many, and shouted from the rooftops in staggering volume day and night from every single media outlet on the planet that most simply assume it’s a true and established scientific fact. Since you have likely been exposed to this theory from birth, you probably don’t even realize that it is just a theory of man—please note that it is called the theory of evolution, not the facts of evolution.
And while scientists try to pass the theory of evolution off as fact and hard science, nothing could be further from the truth; it is simply a theory of man conjured up out of thin air. Did you know that even the evolutionary so-called “scientists” themselves acknowledge and admit that their very own theory cannot explain where or how life first originated? Only the Bible gives us that answer. And yet, this theory is continually trotted out and used in an attempt to disprove the Bible. It is front and center as you encounter the first verses of the Bible in the Book of Genesis about God’s creation. Essentially, the subject of science versus the Bible is commonly manifested as the particular debate of creation versus evolution.
I do understand and empathize with you if you doubt that there is a God and that His initial creation was without sin, suffering, disease, and death. I am speaking from personal experience here. With my background in math and physics, I also struggled mightily with these questions about evolution, the age of the Earth, and so on. How could everything we see possibly have been created by God in a mere literal seven days? How could all the “facts” (or so I was told) of evolution and millions or billions of years of Earth’s history be wrong? How could science be wrong? And believe me, when I question or doubt something, I do it like the best of them. I had to sort through hundreds of my own questions and doubts on these matters before I came to believe that there really is a God and that He is good and loving.
To find the truth about this world, the universe, heaven, hell, your eternal soul, and God, consider the following:
- Are you prepared to be open-minded and consider new information? Are you ready to objectively evaluate factual information and to consider that you have been lied to (and brainwashed) for many years (since birth, actually)? Are you open to considering that the biblical view on science and creation (and other matters) may indeed be accurate?
- Are you willing to even concede that there is a God? The modern and so-called “enlightened” man thinks that his science is the final authority and basis for all understanding and justification, but that just isn’t the case. Even the ancient Greeks, with all their knowledge, believed in a God; they just didn’t know which God, so the apostle Paul pointed them in the right direction (Act 17:22–31).
- Are you willing to challenge and think further about what you hear, or are you simply accepting man’s theories and beliefs as fact and truth? Or do you believe anything you hear, especially if it comes from someone dressed up in an expensive suit with an intimidating title and lots of important-sounding initials placed before or after their name? Or worse, do you accept whatever you read on social media and the Internet as truth?
- Are you ready to trust God’s wisdom over man’s wisdom?
It is only after you stop listening to the theories, myths, traditions, fables, and fake science of man and start seeking knowledge and wisdom from the Lord via His Word that you will start to see the truth and reality about God, life, death, heaven, hell, angels, sin, and so on. You will also be able to see the lies and deceptions of man more clearly for what they are (Rom 3:4). But until you do that, you will simply keep chasing more theories, myths, and fables of man. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. That is why Scripture tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” ( Pro 1:7 ).[6]
Unfortunately, many (most) people tend to accept almost anything they hear presented as “science” without doing due diligence and challenging it to see if it is actually true. This goes for Christians as well. For example, Wayne Jackson, who has written for and edited the Christian Courier since its inception in 1965, writes this regarding the public reaction to the so-called “science” of the “Jesus Bones”:[7]
Those Bogus “Jesus Bones”
Society has just been treated to the almost-yearly attempt of entertainment exploiters, who seek to line their pockets with “filthy lucre” by hitching a ride on the reputation of Jesus Christ.
It would be a laughable, though stupid enterprise, were it not for the fact that so many gullible souls ingest any trash that purports to have the endorsement of “science.” Never has the reputation of “science” been so low.
There is nothing new that is “scientifically credible” in this story. The knowledge of these “bones” has been around for more than a quarter of a century—scarcely raising an eyebrow.
I must also confess to being formerly gullible myself, having believed much of this fake science as established fact, but now I know the truth. And here is the important part: I no longer sit in ignorance believing the nonsense of man. I’ve seen a change in myself after realizing that man isn’t the ultimate authority on matters—the Lord is. And when you accept that God (not man) has truth, a light comes on, and you have an “aha” moment when you realize, “Wow, what I’ve been taught all my life isn’t proven by science after all!” You will then see that on these essential matters, God is truth, and men are not (Pro 16:25; Mat 11:15; Mar 4:9; Act 26:18; Rom 3:4). Only God, His Word, and His wisdom lead to life.
Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying in this chapter. God is not against science—only the fake science conjured up by man. Science in and of itself is good and was created by God; it can be a fantastic tool that we can use to better our human condition (and the condition of this world) when used wisely and for good. In fact, we read that God created and designed this universe using logic, wisdom, reason, and understanding (Pro 3:19; 8:22–31). Even the laws of nature themselves were created by God—the laws of mathematics, physics, thermodynamics, logic, and so on. So God is not asking us to abandon and discard logic and reasoning in order to believe in Him (1Co 14:33). He gave us logic and reasoning to use, but we must also allow Him to direct us into the truth.
Please don’t let the theories and fake science of man cause you to doubt and disbelieve in God. I now see that much of what secular science, textbooks, and colleges taught me were just theories of man, and further, much of it was just downright brainwashing designed to make God more opaque and harder to find. I mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating: A massive amount of energy and effort is spent trying to stop you from believing the first sentences of the Bible. That is because they know if you don’t believe those that you won’t believe (or even read) the rest either. And make no mistake, the “they” in question here are ungodly men and institutions who are under the control of Satan (the devil) and his “spiritual forces of darkness and wickedness [evil]” (paraphrase; Eph 6:12). They do not want to see you come to God, Jesus, and eternal life. This is the front line in the spiritual battle for human souls. Instead, seek truth and God’s wisdom. The Lord has given us His Word so we may “know the truth” (Joh 8:32), even when it’s hard to see in this fallen world. The Bible transcends both space and time, and it was given to guide those who will listen.
So are you ready to be led into truth, wisdom, and understanding by God? Are you humble enough to be taught and to receive truth, or do you think you know more than God? The Book of Job is most enlightening on this subject and is well worth reading. It shows the Lord teaching Job some heavy lessons and squarely putting him back in his place for thinking he was wiser than God. The Lord showed Job that it was He who created, ordered, and upholds all things. Notice that God used matters of creation and the physical and natural world as examples of His wisdom.
The subject of science versus the Bible is so vast that I can only highlight a few areas in this chapter. There are many articles, studies, and research papers done by highly competent, trained, and respected scientists and scholars (who are Christians) that show how scientific data can be interpreted to be in agreement with the Bible. That material is suppressed (or ignored) in schools or discredited by atheistic groups, so it can be (much) harder to find. The atheistic scientists (and their sponsoring institutions) just don’t like it, want to hear it, or want you to hear it. If you still have questions or doubts about science, creation, and God, I encourage you to read some of the articles and studies done by these (Christian) scientists (click here).[8] In the next chapter, we get back on track with the Gospel message and learn more about why God cursed creation, which explains the fallen world we see around us today with sin, suffering, corruption, disease, and death.
[1] I was an atheist for a very long time (many decades), having been blinded (brainwashed) by the fake science of man.
[2] Such as looking for a mythical “Fountain of Youth” or trying to concoct the secret to eternal life from science.
[3] See the chapter “Our Hope” for “eternal life” verse references.
[4] See the chapter “The Armor of God.”
[5] See the chapter “Beware the Wolves” for verse references.
[6] Fearing God doesn’t mean to be literally afraid of God, although there certainly is an aspect of that for the unrepentant sinner (Mat 10:28; Heb 12:28–29; Rev 6:15–17). It means to honor, respect, worship, praise, trust, and obey God for who He is (holy, righteous, true, loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, etc.) and for the fact that He created you.
[7] Wayne Jackson, “Those Bogus ‘Jesus Bones,’” Christian Courier,
[8] See the chapter “Helpful Resources.” Please also see the additional material, Q&As, links to scientific articles and other resources listed on our Gospel website: