
Beware the Wolves

Be On Guard for Yourselves and for All the Flock


Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly are ravenous wolves. – Matthew 7:15

Cuídense de los falsos profetas, que vienen a ustedes con vestidos
de ovejas, pero por dentro son lobos rapaces. – Mateo 7:15

You will hear much disagreement among men about the Gospel and the NT Plan of Salvation, but we must approach God on His terms and as instructed to in Scripture, not however men, committees, conferences, councils, synods, and institutions think or feel it should be done. We must examine and harmonize “the sum” (Psa 119:160; cf. 2Ti 3:16–17) of what Scripture teaches to arrive at correct doctrine and teaching; we cannot pick and choose some verses while ignoring others (or even entire books), nor can we rewrite Scripture to suit our own personal beliefs, as some have done. [1][2][3][4]


While it is my “duty”[5] to teach and preach the Gospel to you accurately and completely (Act 20:18–32; cf. 1Co 9:16), it is your responsibility to—

  • “Be on the alert” (Act 20:31; 1Co 16:13; Eph 6:18; 1Pe 5:8),
  • “Be on guard” (Act 20:28; 2Ti 4:15),[6]
  • “Be diligent” about your salvation (2Ti 2:15; Heb 4:11; cf. 2Pe 1:10; 3:14),
  • “Take heed,” “give attention,” and “pay close attention … [to] ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you” (Act 13:40; 1Co 10:12; 1Ti 4:13–16),
  • “Contend earnestly for the faith[7] which was once for all handed down [delivered ESV] to the saints” (Jud 3),
  • “Continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast,” “devoting yourself to the apostles’ teaching” (see Col 1:23; Act 2:42),
  • “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Php 2:12), and
  • “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!” (2Co 13:5)

—in order to make sure you have not strayed from the pure truth of the Gospel as given in Scripture lest you get “tricked” or “deceived” out of your “crown of life.”[8]


Those who wish to “call on the name of the Lord” (see Act 2:21; 22:16; Rom 10:13; 1Co 1:2; cf. Gen 4:26; Isa 12:4; Psa 91:14–15; 105:1; 116:4, 13, 17) must do so “in spirit and truth” (Joh 4:23–24; cf. Psa 145:18; Jud 3; Luk 18:8; Col 1:23) and in accordance with the clear instructions we are given in Scripture, not “in spirit and the false teachings of man” (i.e., their whims, opinions, or personal theologies). It is very easy to be confused about which is which, especially for someone new to the faith, for we’ve had centuries now (over two thousand years) of the following:

  • “False teachings” (see 2Pe 2:1; Col 2:16, 22; Heb 13:9; Luk 18:8; Php 3:2; Rev 2:9; 3:9),
  • “Fake gospels” (paraphrase; see 2Co 11:3–5; Gal 1:8–9; Mat 24:5; Jud 3),
  • “Myths” (1Ti 1:4; 2Ti 4:3–4; Tit 1:14),
  • “Varied and strange teachings” (Heb 13:9; 2Th 2:1–3),
  • “Decrees, teachings, and commandments [precepts] of men” (see Col 2:20–23; Tit 1:13–14; Mat 15:9; Mar 7:7),
  • “Self-made religion” (Col 2:23; Mat 23:27–28; 1Ti 4:8),[9]
  • “Philosophy and empty deception … according to the elementary principles of the world” (Col 2:8, 20–23),
  • “Traditions of men” (see Mat 15:3, 6; Mar 7:8–13; Col 2:8; Rev 2:9; 3:9),
  • “Errors of unprincipled men” (see 2Pe 3:17),
  • “Destructive heresies” (2Pe 2:1–3),
  • Mysticism, “magic,” “sorcery,” and superstitions (Act 8:9–24; 13:6–8; 19:19; Gal 5:20; Rev 9:21; 18:23; 21:8; 22:15),
  • “Worldly and empty chatter” (1Ti 6:20),
  • “False and empty words” (see 2Pe 2:3; Eph 5:6),
  • “Persuasive arguments” (Col 2:4),[10]
  • “Smooth and flattering speech” (Rom 16:18),
  • “Distortions” (see Gal 1:7; 2Pe 3:16),
  • “Doctrines of demons” (1Ti 4:1),
  • “Schemes of Satan” (paraphrase; 2Co 2:11; Mat 4:1–11; 16:23; Mar 8:33; Luk 4:1–13; Joh 8:44; 13:27; Act 5:3; 1Co 7:5; 2Co 11:3, 14–15; Eph 4:27; 6:11–12; 1Pe 5:8–9; Jas 4:7; 2Th 2:8–9; 1Ti 5:15; Rev 12:9–11; 20:8–8; Gen 3:1),[11]
  • “Deceptions of wickedness” (see 2Th 2:9–12),
  • Opinions, personal beliefs, personal theologies, and fanciful interpretations (Col 2:16–18; 1Ti 4:3, 8; Pro 14:12; 16:25),[12]
  • “Visions” and “worship of angels” (Col 2:18),
  • Rites, rules, rituals, sacraments, ordinances (human), catechisms, creeds, and ceremonies (1Ti 4:1–3; Rev 13:1–18; 17:1–18:24),
  • “Great signs and [false] wonders” (i.e., fake miracles, delusions; Mat 24:24; Mar 13:22; 2Th 2:9–12; Rev 13:11–13; 16:14; 19:20),
  • “False prophecies” (paraphrase; see Mat 7:15; 24:11, 24; Mar 13:22; Act 13:6; 2Pe 2:1; 1Jn 4:1; Rev 16:13; 19:20; 20:10; 2Pe 1:20–21), and
  • “Trickery of man” (Eph 4:14; Luk 20:23; 2Co 11:13–15; 1Ti 4:1–3; Php 3:2; 2Pe 2:1–3; 3:16–18; contrast with Joh 4:23–24; Act 17:11; Jud 3; 2Co 13:5; Rev 3:11; 18:4–5).

And on top of all that, there are hundreds of sectarian and denominational divisions[13] and dozens upon dozens of theological systems and frameworks[14] made up by men, committees, councils, synods, and institutions all piled up on top of one another and masquerading as so-called “Christianity,”[15] obfuscating the pure truth of the Gospel given in Scripture (Luk 18:8; Joh 4:23–24; Act 17:11; Jud 3; 2Co 11:3–4, 13–15; 13:5; Eph 4:14; 5:6; 1Ti 4:1–3; Php 3:2; 2Pe 2:1–3; 3:16–18; Heb 13:9; Rev 3:11; 18:4–5). Astounding! Shocking! Tragic! What an absolute travesty and mess man has made of the pure and simple Gospel truth given in Scripture!

Still further compounding the situation is the staggering amount of noise generated by the secular world with its God-denying media and institutions trying to drown out the Gospel message and the name of Jesus altogether by creating even more false teachings that masquerade as science, but which are in reality fake science. Yes, we are being fed today fake news, fake science (e.g., the so-called theory of evolution), fake entertainment (e.g., lip-synced performances, so-called reality but scripted TV), fake food (e.g., margarine, fake meat), fake body parts (e.g., vanity cosmetic surgery), fake economics (e.g., Keynesian economics, debt as an asset), fake money (e.g., fiat currencies), and fake secular religions.[16]

The false teachings and fake gospels are shouted 24/7/365.25 (i.e., nonstop, every day, all day long) in blaring volume from both secular media sources as well as so-called “Christian” pulpits, broadcasts, books, movies, publications, and even seminary schools. And we are gradually conditioned by repeated, frequent, and persistent marketing propaganda (for that is exactly what it is) to accept the fakes (the false teachings) as the real thing and even to begin to believe them in place of the real. The same thing has happened to Christianity over the last two thousand years: We have been gradually trained and conditioned to accept and even believe that the fakes are the real thing, and in many cases, we cannot even tell the difference anymore!

This is a very sad state of affairs, as few today can even recognize true Christianity as defined in Scripture, and people are more confused today than ever before by all the false teachings as well as by seeing an almost endless stream of hypocritical pretenders proclaiming to be “Christians” parading before and all around them.[17] Many today aren’t even sure who is a true Christian, what a true Christian church even looks like, or how to truly be saved according to the instructions given in Scripture! Some new to the faith think that if they simply find and attend a church that says the name of Jesus often and loudly enough that they are good to go, but that just isn’t the case![18] Even worse, many who are lost or new to Christ give up when confronted with so many differing and conflicting teachings, all claiming to be the true Christianity of the Bible but are not.

We must not let false teachings turn us out of the straight and “narrow” path to eternal life (Mat 7:14). If you will, “I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness” of modern, liberal, corrupt, apostate, “lukewarm,” dead, pretend, fake, so-called “Christianity”: make straight the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (see Mat 3:3; Mar 1:3; Luk 3:4–5; Joh 1:23; cf. Act 13:10; Rev 3:16; Isa 40:3), and I have declared to you the true, correct, and complete Gospel (Act 20:20, 26–27, 31) in this book exactly as it “was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jud 3 ESV) in NT Scripture.


As Jesus warned, “beware the wolves” (paraphrase; see Mat 7:15), for you are surrounded on all sides and as far as the eye can see[19] by—

  • “Wolves” (“ravenous wolves”; Mat 7:15; 10:16; Luk 10:3; Act 20:28–31),[20]
  • “Vipers” (Mat 3:7; 12:34; 23:33; Luk 3:7),
  • Modern-day “Pharisees” (Mat 5:20; 15:1–9; 16:6, 11–12; 23:1–36; Mar 8:15; Luk 12:1; 18:11; Joh 12:42; Mat 3:7; 12:34–35; 26:59; Joh 8:44; Luk 6:39; 11:39–44; 22:2; Rom 10:1–4; 16:18; Php 3:2; Rev 2:9; 3:9; Ecc 1:9; Psa 140:5),
  • “False Christs” (see Mat 24:4–5, 23–26; Mar 13:5–6, 21–22; Luk 21:8),[21]
  • “False teachers” (2Pe 2:1; 2Ti 4:3–4; Col 2:21–22),[22]
  • “False prophets” (Mat 7:15; 24:11, 24–25; Mar 13:22; 2Pe 2:1–2; 1Jn 4:1; Rev 16:13; 19:20; 20:10),[23][24]
  • “Deceitful spirits” (also “spirit of error”; see 1Ti 4:1; 1Jn 4:6),
  • “Liars in hypocrisy” (see 1Ti 4:2),
  • “Deceivers” (Tit 1:10; 2Jn 7),
  • “Smooth talkers” (paraphrase; see Rom 16:18),
  • “Rebellious men, empty talkers” (Tit 1:10),
  • “Lawless” men and institutions (2Th 2:8; Rev 13:1–18; 17:1–18:24),
  • “Unprincipled men” (2Pe 3:17; Eph 4:14; 2Pe 2:1–3, 7; Tit 1:10–11),
  • “Natural men” (also the “untaught”; 1Co 2:14; 2Pe 3:16; 1Jn 4:5; 1Co 1:18; 2Co 4:3–4; Jud 19; Joh 8:43; 14:17; Mat 13:11; Gal 1:7; Pro 14:12) who seem to want to tell you what the Bible means all the way from creation in Genesis to prophecy in Revelation,[25]
  • “False brethren” (2Co 11:26; Gal 2:4),
  • “Antichrists” (plural—by the way, there is no single “The Antichrist” nationalistic, economic, political person called out in Scripture!; 1Jn 2:18, 21–22; 4:3; 2Jn 7), and
  • Preachers for “greed” and “sordid gain”[26] (Tit 1:11; 1Pe 5:2; 2Pe 2:2–3; 1Ti 3:8; 6:9–10; Eze 33:31; Mat 6:24; 19:22; Luk 12:15–21)[27]

—who are preaching, proclaiming, publishing, and promoting[28] false teachings and “fake gospels” (paraphrase), that is, “a different gospel … a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you” (Gal 1:6–9; cf. 2Co 11:3–4; Act 4:12; Jud 3).[29]

These “ravenous wolves” will try to “trick,” “mislead,” and “deceive”[30] you into following their false teachings and fake gospels. The “naïve” (Pro 1:1–7, 22; 7:7; 9:4; 14:15, 18), those “lacking sense” (i.e., gullible; Pro 6:32; 7:7; 24:30), those wanting to have their ears tickled”[31] (2Ti 4:3–4), and those seeking a feel-good, easy form of Christianity will seek out and follow these schemes, doctrines, myths, and deceptions of man and Satan.[32] Yes, there is a “spirit of error” (1Jn 4:6) in the world, and there are also “deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (1Ti 4:1).[33] Always remember that you are in the middle of a spiritual war, and even though you cannot see them, the “world forces of this darkness [and] the spiritual forces of wickedness [evil] in the heavenly places” are very real (paraphrase; see Eph 6:12), and they are firmly set against you in spiritual warfare. They will lead you to eternal death if you let them!


Some of the false teachings come from secular sources (obviously), but sadly (and shockingly), others come from what appear to be “Christians” and so-called “Christian” churches. That is why Jesus called them “ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing” (see Mat 7:15; cf. Act 20:28–30; 2Ti 4:3–4; 2Co 11:14–15). It is also written, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness” (2Co 11:14–15).[34] It is these servants of Satan[35] who pretend to serve Christ, appearing (dressed up) as “Christian” ministers and pastors (or other men of God), but they are actually “of their father the devil” (Joh 8:44). These “wolves,” “vipers,” “false prophets,” “false teachers,” modern-day “Pharisees,” and “unprincipled men” appear in churches that seem (and claim) to be Christian, and they may even use Jesus Christ in their names—but they are not of Christ.

Understand also that these “savage wolves” come in many shapes and sizes, from someone standing on the street corner to friendly, innocent-looking old ladies, to the casual hipster preacher, or even the powerful pastor, elder, or author of apparent authority behind the pulpit at a large and famous church, all dressed up in an expensive suit with lots of initials, abbreviations, and titles placed before and after their name—even having doctoral degrees in divinity! Some of the “wolves” are teaching wrongly out of “ignorance” (see Act 3:17; 1Ti 1:13; 2Ti 2:23; cf. Act 18:24–28), some are intentionally intending to “deceive” (see Rom 16:18; Eph 5:6; 2Ti 3:13; 1Jn 2:26; 2Th 2:3; Tit 1:10), and others are doing so “for the sake of sordid gain [filthy lucre KJV]” (Tit 1:10–14; cf. Rom 16:18; 1Ti 3:3; 3:8; 6:5; Tit 1:7; 1Pe 5:2; 2Pe 2:2–3, 14–15; Jud 11; Isa 56:11; Jer 6:13; 8:10; Mic 3:11). They use deception to deceive the unsaved masses into following worthless man-made religious rites, rules, rituals, false doctrines, traditions, and feel-good rubbish and nonsense that lead to eternal death instead of eternal life. I hope you are taking this warning seriously!


Not only must one be born again according to the instructions given in NT Scripture, but even further, a newly born-again Christian[36] is still vulnerable to being preyed on by the “wolves.”[37] The Bible describes their false teachings as—

  • “Snares” (see Rom 11:9; 1Ti 3:7; 6:9; 2Ti 2:26; Psa 69:22; 91:3; 106:36; 119:110; 140:5; Pro 12:13; 14:27; 29:6; 18:7; Jer 18:22; Hos 5:1),
  • “Traps” (see Mat 22:15; Mar 12:13; Luk 21:34; Rom 11:9; Jos 23:13; Job 18:10; Psa 69:22; 140:5; 141:9; 142:3; Jer 5:26),
  • “Pitfalls [pits]” (see Psa 35:7; 119:85; Jer 18:22; Mat 15:14; Luk 6:39), and
  • “Schemes” of man and the devil (2Co 2:11; Eph 6:11; Rom 10:2; 16:18; Eph 5:6; 2Ti 3:13; Tit 1:10; Heb 2:1; 1Jn 2:26; 3:7; Jud 3; Rev 3:11; 12:9; 13:14; 18:23; 19:20; 20:8; Hos 4:6)

—and they are set up to try to stop you (or turn you back, away from, or out of the faith) at each step of the way along the path to eternal life. They don’t stop even after you are born again. Jesus told the apostles to “be shrewd[38] as serpents and innocent as doves” (Mat 10:16; cf. Luk 10:3) as He sent them out to preach the Gospel, knowing they were going to face a veritable gauntlet of persecution, mistreatment, and even “false Christs.”

I believe an analogous situation applies to us today: We face a bewildering array of false teachings and fake gospels that are laid out in front of and all around us like a giant maze or minefield that we have to navigate if we want to find our way to eternal life.[39] We must, therefore, be wise in discerning what the true Gospel is that was given in Scripture.

You face a bewildering maze of false teachings and fake gospels
(Jud 3; cf. Joh 4:23–24).[41]

Matthew Henry writes:[40]

[1.] Be ye therefore wise as serpents (Mat 10:16), wise to discern that which is really good and that which is counterfeit; wise to distinguish things that differ, to improve opportunities. While we are in the midst of so many deceivers, we have great need of that wisdom of the prudent which is to understand his way, Pro 14:8. [2.] To be simple concerning evil—so wise as not to be deceived, and yet so simple as not to be deceivers.

We must also not be “foolish” but rather be “mature in our thinking” and “filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” as we stand for the pure truth of Scripture (see Luk 16:8; 1Co 14:20; 2Co 11:3, 14; Eph 5:17; Col 1:9; 2Ti 2:15), so we are not—

  • “Tricked” (see Luk 20:23; Eph 4:14),
  • “Deceived” (see Mar 13:22; Rom 16:18; 2Co 11:3–4, 13–15; Gal 6:7; Eph 4:14; Col 2:4, 8; 2Th 2:3, 9–12; 1Ti 2:14; 4:1; 2Ti 3:13; Tit 1:10; Jas 1:16; 1Jn 2:26; 3:7; 2Jn 7; Rev 12:9; 13:13–14; 18:23; 19:20; 20:3, 8–10; Act 8:9–11),
  • “Misled” (see Mat 24:4–5, 11, 24; Mar 13:5–6; Luk 21:8),
  • “Led astray” (see Mar 13:22; 1Co 12:2; 1Ti 6:21; 2Ti 2:18; 2Pe 2:15; Rev 2:20; Pro 12:26),
  • “Enticed” (lured, seduced; see 2Pe 2:14, 18; Jas 1:14),
  • “Bewitched” (Gal 3:1; Gal 1:6–9),
  • “Deluded” (see Col 2:4; Jas 1:22),
  • “Drawn away” (see Act 20:29–31),
  • Made to “drift away” (see Heb 2:1),
  • “Exploited” (see 2Pe 2:3),
  • “Moved away” (Col 1:23),
  • “Taken captive” (see Col 2:8),
  • “Carried away” (Heb 13:9; 2Pe 3:17),
  • “Tossed here and there” (Eph 4:14),
  • “Turned away” (see 2Ti 4:3–4), or
  • “Turned aside” (Rom 3:12; 1Ti 1:6; 5:15; 2Ti 4:3–4; Act 1:25)

—from the pure Gospel truth into the false teachings and fake gospels of man!

Please understand that you can, in fact, have your “crown of life” (Jas 1:12; Rev 2:10; cf. 2Ti 4:8; 1Pe 5:4; 1Th 2:19; Rev 3:11) “taken from you” (i.e., stolen by those who teach and preach wrongly; see Rev 3:11; cf. Hos 4:6; Rom 10:2).[42] We are told that “ignorance” of what God expects from those who “call on the name of the Lord” (see Act 2:21; 22:16; Rom 10:13; 1Co 1:2; cf. Gen 4:26; Isa 12:4; Psa 91:14–15; 105:1; 116:4, 13, 17) will not be an excuse on Judgment Day (see 2Co 2:11; cf. Hos 4:6; Pro 1:22, 32; 14:15, 18; Rom 1:21; 16:18; Mat 15:14; Joh 4:23–24; 2Co 11:3; Col 2:8; Eph 5:15–17; 1Co 14:20; Jer 5:21; Mar 4:9; Rev 2:7; 3:6). I hope by now that you have noticed how we have had to fight off the false teachings of man from literally the very first verse of the first Book of the Bible (Genesis) to very nearly the last verse of the last Book of the Bible (Revelation). Amazing (Dan 7:15, 28; 8:27; Rev 10:10)!


Please don’t just take my word for it; you must do your own homework through serious and rigorous Bible study to confirm that what I’m writing to you in this book is true. It took me nearly three years of serious study to sort through all of these false teachings myself; perhaps you will do it much faster than I did, but that gives you some indication of the amount of time and effort that will be involved if you truly want to find truth and break free from all of them (if you have already succumbed to many of them, as I had). You will have to decide for yourself how much you desire truth and how much time and effort you are willing to put in to find it so you can truly worship the Lord “in spirit and truth” (Joh 4:23–24; cf. Psa 145:18; Jud 3).[58] You must really, really, REALLY want to know and understand God’s truth (not man’s truth; see Rom 3:4) as if your eternal soul depends on it—which it does (Mat 7:7–8; Jas 1:5–6; cf. 1Co 2:14)!

As mentioned, it is not easy to find and then “continue in” (remain in, stay in; Col 1:23) the truth. You must “press on to maturity” (Heb 6:1; cf. Heb 5:11–14; 1Co 14:20; Eph 4:11–16)[59] in faith while also continually “growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2Pe 3:18). You need to do that so you are not “tricked,” “deceived,” or “led astray” by the false teachings of man by being “naïve,” gullible, or “ignorant,” either of “the snare [wiles] of the devil” (2Ti 2:26; cf. 2Co 2:11; Eph 6:11; Mat 10:16) or of what is actually written in Scripture. You must know Scripture better than the “wolves” who are trying to mislead you!

To those who profess faith in Christ, if you have any doubt that you are obedient to the true and correct Gospel as it was given in Scripture (Jud 3) or that you have been properly born again according to the instructions given in NT Scripture, it would be eternally wise to recheck your understanding of what Scripture actually teaches (which this book has correctly explained to you) to ensure your eternal salvation (2Co 13:5; Jud 3; Gal 1:6–9; 2Ti 4:3–4).


You will also hear the retort “We should all just get along” being shilled from professing Christians,[60] usually accompanied by the statement that “minor doctrinal differences” should be ignored. However, one sees a recurring theme in the Books of 1, 2 Timothy and Titus, which is the need for pastors, teachers, and preachers of the Word to find the right balance between all of the following:

  1. Closely guarding their “flock” (Joh 21:15–17), the souls of whom they have been entrusted to “steward” (Tit 1:7; 1Co 4:1–2; 9:17; 1Pe 4:10; Col 1:25) to eternal life by keeping them in “the faith that was once for all handed down to the saints” (Jud 3; Col 1:23);
  2. Warning about false teachings and fake gospels by “pointing out,” “exhorting,” “admonishing,” “rebuking,” “refuting,” “reproving,” “opposing,” and “correcting” teachings which can cause one to be lost or “led astray” (see Act 18:28; 20:31; Rom 15:14; 2Co 11:3; Gal 2:11; 1Ti 1:3; 4:6, 16; 6:20–21; 2Ti 1:13; 3:16; 4:2, 15; Tit 1:9, 13–14; 2:15);
  3. Standing for and “declaring” the “whole purpose of God” and the truth of the Gospel as a “good steward” who is “accurately handling the word of truth” (Act 20:20, 26–27; 1Pe 4:7–11; 2Ti 2:14–15);
  4. “Bearing with one another … put on love,” being “like-minded,” and “being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” with “a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Col 3:12–14; 2Co 13:11; Eph 4:1–6; Joh 17:21–23; 1Co 1:10–13); and
  5. Not “wrangling”[61] needlessly over words (see 2Ti 2:14, 23–24) or about differences that Scripture tells us do not affect salvation (e.g., Rom 14:1–6).

It is an honor, a privilege, and an awesome responsibility to be asked to handle God’s Word, and I have striven to find the right balance between the five items above. I have given you the Gospel in this book accurately and completely. I have also explained to you the tools you will need to “persevere,” “endure,” and “stand firm in the faith.”[62] For every false teaching identified in this book, I’ve explained why it can either directly or indirectly cause souls to be lost, so I ask you: “So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Gal 4:16; cf. Gal 2:5, 14; 5:7; Ecc 3:7).

And while Jesus prayed for unity (Joh 17:11, 19–21; Eph 4:3–6; cf. 1Co 1:10–13), He also knew that “ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing” (paraphrase) would come in and distort the pure Gospel and introduce false teachings that would, in fact, divide the Church and lead many astray. Furthermore, it is written that those who teach wrongly and lead people astray to destruction are to be “accursed”[63] (Paul’s words, not mine; Gal 1:8–9) and that we are to “turn away” (Rom 16:17–18; cf. Php 3:18–19; Gal 1:8–9; 2:4–5; 2Jn 1:10; 2Th 3:14–15) from those who don’t (or won’t) take correction.[64]

And did not Cain, in this same way, go astray (Gen 4:3–5)?[65] He knew what the Lord had commanded regarding how men must worship Him and what type of offering was acceptable. Yet Cain disregarded that and followed his own opinion as to what he thought was acceptable and what he thought was a “minor difference”—and he suffered the consequences. There are consequences for teaching wrongly, and there are consequences for being led astray by false teachings, whether you think they are minor or not. Should not God’s Word stand as it was given, not having selected verses[66] chosen or ignored based on the whims and opinions of man?

Further to the point, did the apostle Paul just “get along” with Peter when he was acting hypocritically with respect to the Mosaic Law in the mixed company of Jews and Gentiles (see Gal 2)? No, he didn’t just “get along”—he confronted Peter, and he did so boldly! Peter’s actions and example might have caused others to stumble, be “bewitched” (Gal 3:1), and become “severed from Christ … fallen from grace” (Gal 5:4). These are matters of utmost seriousness, for it is a battle for eternal souls. Paul further states that the brethren must be “filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another” (i.e., correct one another; Rom 15:14).

Lastly, many of the false teachings are outright disrespectful to the Lord Jesus Christ[67] in one way or another—either expressing infidelity or denying Him and His blood on the cross. Just “going along” with these false teachings indicates a lack of understanding of what Jesus did on the cross, of Christ’s commands as given in the New Testament, and of the nature of the kingdom of God.[68] I, therefore, disagree with the sentiment that all Christians should “just get along” regardless of doctrinal differences. Wayne Jackson writes on this matter, responding to a question he received:[69]

“I am sincerely asking whether we need to be loving and accepting towards all religious groups. I have never believed God to be exclusive or vindictive towards those who have different understandings of Him.”

Occasionally it is necessary to dispute certain doctrines that are taught within the religious community. But some people feel that any religious disagreement with anyone who identifies themselves as a Christian is mean-spirited. They believe opposition to certain teachings is unkind and narrow. We would respond to this sincere question in the following fashion.

Love and the Acceptance of Error

First, it should go without saying that the Christian is to demonstrate love towards all—even those who resist the truth in the most militant fashion. The love of God for rebellious mankind is portrayed repeatedly in the Scriptures. The Father commended his love toward us by giving his Son for our sins, even while we were hostile and sinful toward him (Rom. 5:8). That does not mean, however, that he ignores how we live or what we teach. In this same context, the lost are described as being weak and ungodly, as sinners, and enemies worthy of divine wrath. (Rom. 5:6, 8, 9–10). Love offers a remedy for humanity’s sinful condition, but it does not close its eyes to reality.

The Consequences of Rejecting God’s Loving Rebuke

An understanding of Old Testament history forever demolishes the erroneous notion that God is unconcerned with whether men and women entertain “different understandings of Him.” For example, many of the nations of the antique world understood God to be identified in various idol forms, which they devoutly worshiped. But the prophets rebuked these base activities. And Jehovah destroyed nation after nation that persisted in this evil ideology and practice.

The Honest Compassion of Christ

No informed Bible student will deny that Jesus Christ loved men and women supremely. When they ignorantly languished under the effects of sin, he tenderly sought to reclaim them (cf. Lk. 7:36ff; Jn. 8:1–11). The Savior came not to crush the bruised reed, nor to quench the smoldering wick (cf. Mt. 12:20).

Jesus was the compassionate Christ!

On the other hand, the Lord could be (and was) very severe in dealing with corrupt religious leaders, who should have known better (and frequently did) than to act and teach contrary to truth. He cast out of the temple those who trafficked in religion for commercial purposes (Mt. 21:12–13; Jn. 2:13–17). He informed the corrupt Pharisees that they were not legitimate heirs of Abraham; rather, they were devilish in their actions (Jn. 8:33ff). One can scarcely read the twenty-third chapter of Matthew without feeling the heat of Christ’s rebuke of certain corrupt Hebrew leaders. It is not, therefore, wrong to oppose error. Further, it is a gross inconsistency to rebuke someone for being a rebuker. Why is it that folks cannot see the flaw in their argument when they are intolerant of those with whom they charge intolerance?

May We Disagree About God?

The most stunning component of our reader’s complaint, however, is the allegation that it is permissible for people to entertain different understandings of divine truth that pertain to the salvation of one’s soul! We must call attention to the following. God is infinite in his knowledge (Psa. 147:5). He is a God of knowledge (1 Sam. 2:3), who knows all things (1 Jn. 3:20). The riches of his knowledge is a reality too deep for human conception (Rom. 11:33). It is never accurate to say or even to imply that God is unconcerned with disagreements among men relative to the eternal truths that he has revealed to the human family.

Disputes regarding what the Lord requires men and women to believe and practice is not the result of different understandings. It is because of misunderstandings on the part of misinformed people, even though they may be very sincere. God is a being of truth (i.e., faithfulness; cf. Deut. 32:4, ASV). All his words are pure (Psa. 12:6). He cannot speak that which is untrue (Tit. 1:2; Heb. 6:18), because his word is truth (Jn. 17:17). Any disagreement as to what God requires, therefore, is a disagreement over the difference between truth and error. To suggest that God is not concerned with the difference between truth and non-truth is to cast serious reflection upon the God of truth.

It is a dangerous thing to suggest that folks may disagree about what God teaches and at the same time stand approved in his sight. In his letter to the Roman saints, Paul discussed the advantage that historically had been granted to the Hebrew nation. For one thing, they had been entrusted with the “oracles of God” (i.e., the sacred Scriptures; cf. Rom. 3:1–2). The question then is raised: “What if some were without faith?”

The meaning of that question is this. What would be the case if some of the Jews proved to be unfaithful to Jehovah’s plan on their behalf? What if some of the Hebrews decided to chart their own course. In other words, they entertained disagreements with the faithful about what the Lord required of them? Would their disagreement or misunderstanding have nullified the divine plan? Would they have exposed God as being unfaithful? Absolutely not! This stinging rebuke is then offered: “Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar” (Rom. 3:4).


Here is what the inspired apostle is affirming.

Any theory, opinion, or doctrinal position that is adverse to the revealed will of God is a lie. And those who teach and broadcast such are liars, whether they intend to be or not. Is that strong language from Paul? Most assuredly it is, but the force of it is designed to preserve the integrity of the Almighty. By implication this text teaches that those who profess to be Jehovah’s people, especially teachers (Jas. 3:1), must agree with him and among themselves. The Lord expects us to strive for submission to him and a united teaching on fundamental truths. It is exceedingly foolish to suggest that God does not care whether people understand his will or not. It is a grave danger to develop the mindset that it really doesn’t matter whether what we teach is truth or error. “Be not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17).


Not only can the false teachings and fake gospels of man lead you to destruction, but they also pose another insidious danger: They give people a false sense of security and create complacency, which can cause procrastination in accepting Christ or in sharing the Gospel with others. In particular, many of the end-times prophecy false teachings (eschatology) are designed to lull people into complacency (both the saved and the lost), resulting in a lack of determined, daily spiritual growth in oneself,[70] a lack of urgency in sharing the Gospel and accepting Christ,[71] a lack of attending to and doing the Lord’s work,[72] and overall just a “lukewarm” type of faith (Rev 3:16).

This happens because the false teachings, in effect, send these types of messages (I’m paraphrasing here): “Don’t worry, there’s still more time left before Jesus returns, because we are still waiting for [insert a bunch of false prophecies here] to happen first,” or “Well, when you see me raptured away, then you will finally take all this stuff about God and Jesus seriously,” and so on. Friends, none of those events are going to happen, and even if they appear to happen, understand that they will be dog-and-pony-show fakes[73] put on by Satan and the men who follow him to trick and deceive the “naïve” and gullible. Satan loves to imitate Scripture, but he does so in a way that causes you to disobey God or leads you to destruction. Those succumbing to the false teachings are falling right into this trap, and they do not even realize it!

Scripture warns us repeatedly not to be complacent and that the Day of Judgment will arrive like a “thief in the night” when most are thinking they are “safe and secure” (1Th 5:1–3)—whether they are ready to meet God and His Christ for judgment or not! Scripture further warns us in no uncertain terms to “be on the alert” and to be “on guard” for Jesus’ return at any moment (Mat 24:36–25:13; Mar 13:32–37; Luk 21:34–36; 1Pe 5:8; 1Th 5:1–9). As I stated previously, all Bible prophecies that were to precede His return have already been fulfilled, and any instant now, the “last trumpet” of God could sound, and Jesus can appear suddenly and unexpectedly in skies of “flaming fire” above as He comes in the absolutely awesome, stunning, and indescribable full “power” and “glory” of God Almighty with all His holy angels and saints—and just like that, the Day of Judgment will have arrived. Furthermore, the events of that day will then unfold rapidly (“quickly”), and there will be no “second chances” or time to “prepare to meet God” if you have not already done so![74]

The only warning you will ever get about all this is the one you are getting right now by reading this book as the (correct) Gospel is preached to you. Repent and turn to Christ right now, this very instant—not this afternoon, not tomorrow, and not after some future “bible prophecy” event occurs or after some mythical “The Antichrist” person appears (Mat 24:36–51; 25:13; Mar 13:35; 1Th 5:1–6). Again, I say, do not be deceived! Please do not fall victim to fake end-times prophecies!


To the Christian reader who may have fallen victim to false teachings and to sincere brothers and sisters in Christ who find themselves in churches that teach wrongly, may God grant you grace and wisdom to now see the truth. May you “let these words sink into your ears” and have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” the truth of the Gospel as it “was once for all handed down to the saints” in Scripture (see Luk 9:44; Mar 8:18; Rom 10:1–2; 11:8; 2Ti 2:24–26; 2Pe 3:14–18; Col 1:9–10; Joh 4:23–24; Jud 3; Rev 2:29; 3:6, 13, 22; 13:9; 18:4–5).[76] You should also be learning Scripture yourself every single day so you know it as well as (or even better than) your “pastor” or preacher does, so you are not deceived. Please understand that I have written this book not to “judge” or “condemn” you, for that is not my place (Mat 7:1; Luk 6:37; Joh 7:24), but to help guide you back into truth. Remember, as I have indicated, I also previously succumbed to many of these false teachings and fake gospels (Mat 7:3–5). You, too, can come out of them into truth as I have—but only if you want to and are willing to put in the hard work necessary to do so through serious Bible study.


Dear Christian pastor, teacher, or elder: Are you teaching the pure truth of the Gospel as it was given in Scripture (Jud 3), or have you been “tricked” and “deceived” yourself? And to those pastors and teachers who choose to continue to preach and teach falsely despite now reading (hearing) and knowing the true and correct Gospel, please read and pray over these verses (Gal 1:8–9; 2Co 11:13–15; Jas 3:1); may you also “let these words sink into your ears” (Luk 9:44) and have “ears to hear” (Mat 11:15; Mar 4:9, 23; 7:16; 8:18; Luk 8:8) and “eyes to see” (Rom 11:8; cf. Mar 8:18) the truth of the Gospel as explained in this book.

While I do believe that God has children in the many churches and denominations that will be saved to eternal life (for He is a God of great grace and mercy), the situation for those church leaders (pastors, teachers, and elders) who knowingly continue to teach wrongly after having heard the truth will be quite another matter (see Jas 3:1 again). If your teaching causes souls to be lost, you will be held accountable.[77] Also, note that you can sincerely believe that what you are teaching is true, but that doesn’t actually make it true; if you are teaching wrongly, you are still a false teacher (false prophet), regardless of the cause or motive, even if you are teaching in ignorance simply because that’s what you were taught and you are just repeating it. In this book, I have “taken you aside and explained to you the way of God more accurately,” so please prayerfully reexamine any areas in which you are teaching incorrectly, humbly take instruction and correction as the mighty Apollos did (see Act 18:24–28), and then go forth boldly again, winning souls for the Lord by instructing and teaching others “in spirit and truth (my emphasis; Joh 4:23–24; cf. Psa 145:18; Jud 3).[78]


Once again, I hope you take the warnings I have given you in this chapter seriously. I’ve done all I can possibly do to warn and prepare you about false teachings and fake gospels (Act 20:26–31). Amen.

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your great name. Thank You for the gift of Jesus on the cross and for Your amazing love, mercy, grace, kindness, compassion, and patience with me while I was a rebel and also while I was trying to find the truth—Your truth, not man’s opinions. Father, I pray that those who are reading this book, and this chapter in particular, will reexamine any beliefs they hold that are not in accord with the simple and clear instructions You have given us in Scripture as to what we must do to be saved and to worship You in spirit and truth. I pray that You will give them wisdom, guidance, and understanding so they can hear and see the pure Gospel as it was delivered to the saints. I pray that anyone who has been deceived by the false teachings and fake gospels of man may awaken from their slumber, as You have warned us in advance that ravenous wolves and false prophets have gone out into the world and that we must be on the alert. It is only by Your amazing grace and the blood of Christ that I approach Your throne and make this petition. May this prayer find favor in Your sight. Amen.

[1] Martin Luther denied the inspiration of the Book of James simply because it didn’t fit his own personal theology! Even further, he rewrote Romans 3:28 by adding the word alone, which is not in the original Greek texts. Yes, Luther rewrote (added to) Scripture to make it conform to his own beliefs!

[2] Other groups have used false prophets to introduce newly so-called “inspired” books.

[3] See the chapter “Being a Berean.”

[4] I am writing to you very boldly in this chapter (see Rom 15:14–16; 2Co 10:1–2; cf. Act 4:31; 19:8; 20:31; 1Co 4:14; 2Co 7:8–10; Gal 2:11; Eph 4:15; 1Th 5:14; 2Th 3:15; 2Ti 3:16; 4:1–4; Tit 1:13; 2:15; 2Jn 1:10) so you understand the reality of the situation you face today in finding truth. Please understand that I am doing this out of care and concern for your eternal well-being. I don’t want to see you on Judgment Day and have you say to me that I did not warn you about the false teachings and fake gospels of man that can lead you to destruction (Act 20:20, 26–31; Col 1:28; Gal 4:16; Eze 33:1–6).

[5] Teachers and preachers of the Word have a responsibility to shepherd their flock and protect them from false teachers, false teachings, and fake gospels that can lead them to destruction (Joh 21:15–17); we are to do this while not arguing needlessly over things that Scripture tells us do not affect salvation (e.g., genealogies, foods, feast days, etc.).

[6] These verses were written to those who teach and preach the Gospel, exhorting them to watch over their flock with great care and to teach the Gospel correctly while opposing false teachers, false teachings, and fake gospels. But while it was written to teachers and preachers of the Word, it also says to be on guard for yourself as well—yes, even seminary graduates and those with “Doctoral Degrees in Divinity” can also be “tricked” and “deceived”!

[7] “The faith” is the Gospel as it was given to the apostles by Jesus (this includes Paul).

[8] Verse references follow shortly.

[9] For example, the various man-made religions of the world.

[10] Again, according to the traditions and wisdom of man instead of God (Pro 14:12; 16:25).

[11] These schemes are often facilitated by wicked and evil people in this world who do the bidding of Satan (Mat 16:23; Joh 8:44; 13:2; Act 13:10; 2Ti 2:26; 1Jn 3:8–10; Rev 2:9; 3:9; 17:12–13; cf. Isa 5:20–23), whether they realize it or not.

[12] Yes, even more fake gospels (e.g., ecumenism—all religions are basically the same and lead to heaven; universalism—everyone goes to heaven, well, at least all the “good people” anyway; etc.)

[13] There is one God, one faith, one Gospel, one Spirit, one baptism, one bread, and one body (church)—not seemingly infinite flavors of man-made denominations like Häagen-Dazs ice cream (Eph 2:18; 4:3–6; Joh 17:20–23; 1Co 10:16–17; 12:12–13, 20, 25, 27; Php 1:27; Col 3:15). See the chapter “Finding a Church.”

[14] Gnosticism, Montanism, Manichaeism, Monasticism, Docetism, Arianism, Sabellianism, Paganism, Mysticism, Nestorianism, Pelagianism, Rationalism, Apollinarianism, Monophysitism, Eutychianism, Adoptionism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Reformed Protestantism, Arminianism, Calvinism, Adventism, Modernism, and so on ad nauseam-ism …

[15] When I use “Christian” or “Christianity” in quotes, it’s because many things are called Christian (churches, sects, groups, books, movies, etc.) but which are not the Christianity defined in Scripture, for they are “neglecting the commandment of God” and instead “teaching as doctrines the precepts [commandments NKJV] of men” (Mar 7:7–8)—they are not teaching the Gospel of the NT but instead the doctrines of their own theology and opinions, for they have either added to, taken away from, or distorted the faith that was delivered in Scripture (Jud 3). Some of these “Christian” groups are well-meaning but simply misguided, while others intentionally intend to deceive.

[16] You can soon add to this list A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fakes—fake people, fake commercials, fake movies, fake photos, etc.

[17] Yes, hypocrisy runs rampant in modern American Christendom!

[18] Great discernment must be used in finding a church; see the chapter “Finding a Church.”

[19] You may think that this is an exaggeration, but I assure you it is not. In examining census data for a certain locale with deterministic demographics and church attendance, I calculated that approximately 99% of professing Christians attend churches that are not teaching the Gospel as it was given in Scripture (Jud 3). That shows just how many false teachers and fake gospels have gone out into the world.

[20] Note that “wolves” come in both male and female forms (wolvettes).

[21] While these verses apply specifically to the period leading up to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by the Romans, we must still today beware of false Christs (self-proclaimed messiahs). We are not to look for another Messiah still to come—Jesus of Nazareth was it, for He was “the Son of God,” “the Christ of God,” and “the Holy One of God” (Mat 16:16; 26:63–64; Mar 1:1, 24; 3:11; Luk 1:35; 4:34, 41; 9:35; 22:70; Joh 1:49; 11:27; 20:31; Act 8:37; 10:38; Rom 1:4; 2Co 1:19; Heb 4:14; 1Jn 4:15; 5:20)!

[22] Some may be preaching with wrong motives (Php 1:15–18), but if they are teaching the Gospel correctly, we are not to oppose them (cf. Mar 9:38–40; Luk 9:49–50).

[23] Today, a “prophet” is anyone who teaches or preaches the Word of God, not one who reveals the future. A false prophet is therefore the same as a false teacher. Furthermore, no new prophecy is expected today as the canon of Scripture has been closed up, completed, and finalized (1Co 13:10), so anyone claiming to have new inspiration or “special or private revelations” from God or new so-called “inspired” books of Scripture is also a “false prophet.” H. Leo Boles writes, “A ‘prophet’ in the true sense means one who speaks for God; a ‘false prophet’ is a false speaker or teacher; one who claims to speak for God, but God has not put his words into the heart or mouth of the speaker. It may include the Pharisees and religious leaders of that time, but it certainly includes all false teachers. (Mat 24:11, 24.) Hence, a false prophet is not merely an erroneous teacher, but a lying teacher, one pretending to be inspired, but who does not have the spirit of God; ‘false prophets’ may include any teacher who deliberately deceives others.” (H. Leo Boles, New Testament Commentary, A Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew [Nashville, TN: GOSPEL ADVOCATE Company, 1987], 179).

[24] See also false shepherds in the OT, for false teachers and false prophets are nothing new or unique to today—they have been around since the beginning (see Eze 13:4–9; 34:1–31; Deu 18:20; Jer 5:30–31; 14:14; 23:1–2, 11, 13–14, 16, 25–27; 28:15–17; Zec 10:2; cf. Ecc 1:9). Furthermore, while Matthew 24:4–11, 23–25 again applied specifically to the period leading up to the events of AD 70, the same principle applies now, and this text still serves as a caution for us not to be misled today, for there is “nothing new under the sun” (Ecc 1:9).

[25] I am continually amazed to see professing Christians believe almost anything they hear and who also get their theology (understanding of God), Christian doctrine, and Bible prophecy (e.g., end-times eschatology in particular) from those who do not even believe in or know Christ (i.e., secular sources). Astounding!

[26] “Filthy lucre” (KJV).

[27] Preaching for sordid gain isn’t unique to the NT (see Isa 56:11; Jer 6:13; 22:17; Ecc 5:10).

[28] Yes, promoting and marketing, just like in a business.

[29] Additional reading: 2Co 2:17; Rom 16:17–20; Tit 1:7–10; Php 3:2; Mat 15:1–9; 23:1–3; 24:4–11, 23–25; Heb 2:1; 13:9; Eph 6:11–17; Joh 8:44; 2Th 2:11–12; Col 2:20–23; Rev 3:9; 19:20.

[30] Again, verse references follow shortly.

[31] “Itching ears” (KJV).

[32] Note that these wolves, false teachers, and false prophets can lead you astray in other ways besides just teaching fake gospels, such as by wrongly teaching that “a Christian never sins” (see 1Jn 1:9; 2:1) or that immoral behaviors can be tolerated or allowed (e.g., see the warnings given in the Book of Revelation regarding the “Nicolaitans” and “Jezebel” [Rev 2:14–16, 20–24] and also the “ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness [immorality]” [Jud 4]).

[33] See the chapter “The New Testament Plan of Salvation” about being “destroyed [lost] for lack of knowledge.”

[34] Giving what appears to be biblical truth but isn’t.

[35] Again, whether they realize that they are a servant of Satan or not doesn’t change the fact that they are! See the prior footnote earlier in this chapter.

[36] See the chapter “Press On to Maturity.”

[37] Yes, even after being born again, you can still be “taken captive,” “bewitched,” and “hindered” (Col 2:8; Gal 3:1; 5:7).

[38] “Wise” (KJV). We are not to be shrewd in a crafty, cunning, and deceitful way but as in exercising sound judgment and wisdom, standing for the truth, and acting in purity and peace (1Co 14:20).

[39] The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan discusses the various trials, snares, traps, pitfalls, false teachings, wolves, and spiritual forces of evil that Christians face on their pilgrimage. It is well worth reading.

[40] Matthew Henry, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments (London: James Nisbett & Co., 1706–1710/1721).

[41] While it seems like you are wandering through a maze, in reality, it is actually you who are on the straight and “narrow” path toward eternal life, and the false teachings and fake gospels are crooked offshoots from that—they are side roads that lead to dead ends (i.e., eternal death).

[42] How do you lose your crown? You do so by following the opinions, personal theology, fake gospels, schemes, and commandments of men so that you are no longer in obedience to the Gospel as given in Scripture (2Ti 4:3–4; Mat 15:9; 24:24; 1Ti 4:1–3; 2Co 11:3–5, 13–15; Gal 3:1–3; 4:9; 5:7–8; Eph 4:14; 2Th 2:9–12; 2Pe 2:18; Act 8:9–11; Rev 2:20; 13:13–14; 18:3–4; etc.). Sadly, most professing Christians refuse to believe that this could happen to them (that is, be deceived), and tragically, they will not realize that it has occurred until Judgment Day. But that is what I am explaining to you in this chapter: It can happen if you are “ignorant” of what is written in Scripture by not spending enough time seriously reading, studying, and meditating (thinking on, contemplating deeply) the Word of God. Moreover, the “ravenous wolves” go out of their way to prevent you from reading the Word of God by hiding it from you so that you will be gullible, naïve, and easily deceived. Yes, you can be led to eternal destruction by these “wolves” and “vipers,” so “be on guard” (Act 20:28; 2Ti 4:15) and “beware” (Mat 7:15; 16:6; Php 3:2)! See the chapter “The New Testament Plan of Salvation” about being “destroyed [lost] for lack of knowledge.”

[58] One reason it takes so long to see through all the false teachings is due to the fact that they are often interwoven, interconnected, interrelated, tangled up, and jumbled into a giant knot, ball, and web of deception. One false teaching is used to justify the next, and on and on it goes until you are so far away from the actual truth of Scripture that you can no longer even recognize it! It really can take a lot of study and effort to untangle them all, and you must really want the truth—God’s truth—with all your heart, soul, and mind!

[59] See the chapters “Press On to Maturity,” “Reading and Studying the Bible,” and “Being a Berean.”

[60] This retort usually comes from the ones who are, in fact, teaching wrongly.

[61] Haggling, arguing, quibbling, endlessly debating, being quarrelsome or verbally contentious, splitting hairs.

[62] Living in the Spirit, prayer, the armor of God, and the wisdom of God; see the respective chapters.

[63] And he repeated it twice for emphasis!

[64] It is not “judging others” (see Mat 7:1) to point out, admonish, correct, rebuke, and refute their false teachings that are leading people astray and to destruction; in fact, we have a duty to do that.

[65] Cain’s offering was not acceptable to God because (1) he didn’t offer it with the right heart and (2) it was not given according to the instructions God had commanded. Therefore, let our offering to God today be (a) with the right heart and (b) according to the instructions He has given us in the NT (regarding how to be born again and obedience to His commandments).

[66] Or even whole books ignored (e.g., the Book of James), as in the case of Martin Luther.

[67] For example, dispensational premillennialism denies that your very own Lord and King is ruling right now, today, in His kingdom; the doctrines of Calvinism eliminate the need for Jesus to have gone to the cross at all; and so on.

[68] See the chapter “The Kingdom of God.”

[69] Wayne Jackson, “Is It Wrong to Dispute Religious Error?” Christian Courier, https://christiancourier.com/articles/is-it-wrong-to-dispute-religious-error.

[70] See the chapter “Press On to Maturity.”

[71] See the chapter “Go and Tell Others.”

[72] See the chapter “The Role of Works.”

[73] No doubt accomplished by high-tech tricks and wizardry using modern technology.

[74] See the chapters “The Day of Judgment” and “The World in Awful Sleep.”

[76] It is my hope and prayer that some professing Christians who have now heard the true and correct Gospel from this book will move into truth, but in my experience, there are precious few who do so. As Jason Jackson of Christian Courier says, “We are called to be faithful, not successful” as preachers of the Word. For example, Noah preached for one hundred years, and yet not even one single person outside his own family believed him (1Pe 3:20).

[77] Note that teachers and preachers of the Word will face a stricter judgment, and they are also called to a higher standard in both their teaching and behavior (Jas 3:1; 1Co 9:27; 2Ti 2:15; 4:2). Should their teachings cause souls to be lost, they will be held accountable. I understand that by writing this book, this warning also applies to me (Mat 7:3–5). How could this happen? It can happen in many ways but let me give you one specific example of how your teaching could lead someone to be eternally lost. Suppose you teach and preach that you are saved by “faith alone” and that baptism is, therefore, not required for salvation. Someone hears your preaching and defers their baptism (because it is deemed nonessential) and then dies before they get baptized—that is something you will be held accountable for.

[78] Understand that you may need to leave everything behind again to do this (e.g., a comfortable salary at a large church, a position of prestige and power, a so-called “senior pastor” title, and so on; see Luk 5:28; 9:23; 14:26–28; 16:24; 18:18–30; Mat 10:37–39; 19:27–29; Mar 8:34; 10:28–31); taking up your cross and pursuing truth may mean leaving those kinds of things behind again.

Cite this article: Anderson, R. John. "Beware the Wolves." Iron Sharpens Iron (isi.bible). Access date: March 28, 2025. https://isi.bible/gospel/beware-the-wolves/

Photographer and author R. John Anderson has journeyed the world over to capture the natural beauty of God’s creation. Having traveled to many countries and continents in a span of over thirty years, he has seen the amazing artistry that can be found in all types of locations, from the glacial fjords of polar Greenland to the wild Serengeti plains in Tanzania to the rich rain forests of Costa Rica. Nature’s greatest natural beauty often lies in the harshest deserts, remotest wilderness, and sub-zero ice-covered regions.

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