In this chapter, we journey through some of the names used for each Person of the Holy Trinity. Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of all His names found in the Bible.
In historical times and…
March 12, 2025
In this chapter, we journey through some of the names used for each Person of the Holy Trinity. Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of all His names found in the Bible.
In historical times and…
In days and centuries past, men understood and acknowledged that there was a God, even if they chose not to obey Him (Act 17:23; Rom 1:20–22; cf. 2Co 4:4). But in today’s modern, so-called “enlightened” society dominated by public opinion…
We see it written, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (i.e., this universe; Gen 1:1; cf. Gen 1:1–2:25; Exo 20:11; 1Ch 16:26; Pro 3:19–20; 8:22–30; Psa 8:3–8; 33:6; 75:3; 102:25; 104:24; 115:15; 121:2; 124:8; 136:5; Isa…
Before we can continue further, we must deal with some of the false teachings of man that are masquerading as science. Many people are mistakenly under the impression that science has disproven the Bible simply because that is what they…
Man disobeyed God, and sin entered. God placed the first humans, Adam and Eve, in the “garden of Eden” and gave them a few simple rules to obey (Gen 2:8, 15). All they had to do was believe, trust,…
God will only allow Satan’s and humanity’s rebellion (sin) to continue for a while. “He has fixed a day” (Act 17:31; cf. Jud 14–15) still yet to come called “the day of judgment” (2Pe 2:9; 3:7; Mat 10:15; 11:22, 24;…
Scripture warns us explicitly and repeatedly to “be on the alert” (Mat 24:36–25:13; Mar 13:35–37; Act 20:31; 1Co 16:13; Eph 6:18; 1Th 5:2–4; Rev 3:3; 16:15) for Jesus’ return, as “the day of judgment” will arrive suddenly (i.e., “quickly,”…
We now start to turn away from death and toward “eternal life” (Mat 19:16, 29; 25:46; Mar 10:29–30; Luk 18:30; Joh 3:14–17, 36; 4:13–14; 5:24; 6:27, 35–40, 47; 10:28; 17:1–3; Act 13:48; Rom 2:7; 5:21; 6:22–23; Gal 6:8; 1Ti 1:16;…
The Bible contains over three hundred prophecies about Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection, which were recorded (written down in Scripture) long before Christ was born—in some cases, many hundreds of years prior. Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled every single…
In this chapter, we will look at a critical aspect of Christian faith: Was (and is) Jesus really God? While some skeptics, agnostics, and atheists try to deny that Jesus of Nazareth (the man) ever lived (despite overwhelming historical evidence…
Jesus’ death and subsequent resurrection had been foretold (prophesied) way back in Genesis 3, written thousands of years before His birth, where we are told that Satan would “bruise him [Jesus] on the heel” but that Jesus would “bruise you…
When you see (read about) Jesus, you are seeing (reading about) God (Col 1:15; Joh 10:30; 12:45; Heb 1:3). Therefore, what you see Jesus is like from reading Scripture is also exactly what God is like: “kind,” “compassionate,” “patient,” healing,…
Why did God have to send His Son to die on the cross for us? Simply put, it is because humanity could not (and cannot) save itself—we cannot pay the penalty (make atonement) for our sins because we are all…
Salvation (forgiveness of sins and “eternal life” ) is open to “everyone” (Mat 7:8, 26; Luk 6:47; 12:8; Act 2:21; Rom 1:16; Gal 3:22; cf. Mat 24:14; 25:32; 28:19; Mar 13:10; Luk 2:30–32; 24:47; Joh 6:37; Act 1:8; 10:35; 13:47;…
The “New Covenant” (see Luk 22:20; 1Co 11:25; 2Co 3:6; Heb 8:8, 13; 9:15; 12:24; cf. Jer 31:31–34) is the Law of Grace (Joh 1:17; Rom 5:21; 6:14; Eph 2:8; Act 20:24) and the “good news” (Luk 1:19; 2:10;…
Let’s review what happens at your baptism. It is at baptism that your sins are forgiven, as Scripture clearly states: “Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins” (Act 2:38; “wash away your sins,”…
When you are “born again,” you are an “infant in Christ” (see 1Co 3:1–2; cf. “little ones,” Mat 10:42; 18:3–10), a new baby Christian, if you will, and immature in the faith. You must continually “grow in the grace…
It is important to understand the nature of salvation. Some think that the Gospel, salvation, and eternal life are just about being “born again” (Joh 3:3–8; 1Pe 1:3, 23). But being born again is only the first (but by far…
As Christians, we are called to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2Co 5:7) and to “walk [live] by the Spirit” (see Gal 5:16, 25). To “walk” means to live, obey, practice, progress, and advance daily in “the Way”…
The life of a Christian is one of continuous repentance (1Jn 1:5–10; 2:1, 28; 1Co 9:27; cf. Jas 5:16; Heb 4:16; 7:25) and avoidance of deliberate, willful, and repeated sin. The child of God must still confront and prevail over…
This chapter explains that “obedience” (see Joh 3:36; Act 5:29, 32; 6:7; Rom 1:5; 15:18; 16:26; Heb 5:9; 1Pe 1:2, 22; cf. Mat 7:21–27; 12:50; 28:20; Mar 3:35; Luk 6:46–49; Act 7:39; Joh 8:31, 51; 14:23–24; Rom 2:13; 5:19; 6:16;…
This chapter continues the study of obedience by examining the role that “works” (“bearing fruit”) play in the plan of salvation. This is a lengthy chapter, for we must confront and clear away the rampant and widespread false teachings…
While Jesus has already done His part, we must also do our part and “persevere” in faith until the end. This is a lengthy chapter, as we must review several topics so you don’t “come short of” (Heb 4:1) your…
While God speaks to us through His Word, prayer is how we speak with our “heavenly Father” (Mat 5:48; 6:14, 26, 32; 15:13; 18:35; Luk 11:13). Prayer is the central element (the glue, if you will) that ties together the…
There are three types of peace for a Christian: 1) Peace with God: This is a heavenly peace (Rom 5:1–2; 8:6; Psa 119:11, 165; cf. Rom 5:10; Eph 2:13; Col 1:20–22). We enter this peace when we are born again…
The “wise” (Pro 1:3, 5; 8:33; 10:14; 12:15; 13:14, 20; 23:23; Psa 16:16; 107:43; Jas 3:13; Eph 5:15; 1Co 10:15) Christian’s heart directs him to seek “the wisdom from above” (Jas 3:17), which leads to “eternal life” and the…
All Christians should have a basic understanding of “the kingdom of God” (Mat 12:28; 19:24; 21:31, 43; Mar 1:15; 10:14; Luk 4:43; 6:20; 7:28; 9:2; Rom 14:17; 1Co 4:20; 2Th 1:5; cf. Col 1:13; 1Th 2:12; Rev 1:6, 9; 5:10),…
We must put on the full armor of God so we can “stand firm” in our faith; failure to do this can lead us to be unprepared to “fight the good fight of faith” (1Ti 6:12) in the world in…
We as humans tend to greatly underestimate the “holiness” (see Exo 3:5; Lev 19:2; Rev 4:8; Act 7:33; 1Pe 1:16; Isa 6:3; Psa 11:4; 24:3; 29:2; 30:4; 33:21; 47:8; 103:1) and “glory of the LORD” (see Luk 2:9; Rev 15:8;…
Let’s look at the future that awaits all those who “CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD” (see Act 2:21; 22:16; Rom 10:13; 1Co 1:2; cf. Gen 4:26; Isa 12:4; Psa 91:14–15; 105:1; 116:4, 13, 17) in truth and righteousness…
One of the “fruits” (Mat 7:16, 20; 9:37–38) of a Christian is leading others to truth in Christ and winning souls for the Lord. In fact, the greatest honor one can have in this world is to be called…
Many new believers fret needlessly over finding just the right Bible “reading plan.” In fact, entire books, apps, and websites are written and created to help with this, and even further, whole Bibles are cut up and reprinted in some…
“Being a Berean” is a paraphrase of Acts 17:10–11, meaning to study the Scriptures “daily” to see what they say and to compare everything you read and hear against what is written in Scripture. Scripture calls that type of person…
The Church which christ founded. First, while the title for this chapter isn’t technically correct, I’m using it here because that is the terminology most people are familiar with.…
Now, you will hear much disagreement among men about the Gospel and Plan of Salvation that I have explained to you, but we must approach God on His terms and as instructed to in Scripture, not however men, committees, conferences,…
I would like to give you an example of how false teachings and fake gospels can show up in the real world. They are cleverly disguised and not easy to spot; you must know the Gospel extremely well yourself so…