This chapter explains that “obedience” (see Joh 3:36; Act 5:29, 32; 6:7; Rom 1:5; 15:18; 16:26; Heb 5:9; 1Pe 1:2, 22; cf. Mat 7:21–27; 12:50; 28:20; Mar 3:35; Luk 6:46–49; Act 7:39; Joh 8:31, 51; 14:23–24; Rom 2:13; 5:19; 6:16;…
This chapter explains that “obedience” (see Joh 3:36; Act 5:29, 32; 6:7; Rom 1:5; 15:18; 16:26; Heb 5:9; 1Pe 1:2, 22; cf. Mat 7:21–27; 12:50; 28:20; Mar 3:35; Luk 6:46–49; Act 7:39; Joh 8:31, 51; 14:23–24; Rom 2:13; 5:19; 6:16;…
This chapter continues the study of obedience by examining the role that “works” (“bearing fruit”) play in the plan of salvation. This is a lengthy chapter, for we must confront and clear away the rampant and widespread false teachings…
While Jesus has already done His part, we must also do our part and “persevere” in faith until the end. This is a lengthy chapter, as we must review several topics so you don’t “come short of” (Heb 4:1) your…
While God speaks to us through His Word, prayer is how we speak with our “heavenly Father” (Mat 5:48; 6:14, 26, 32; 15:13; 18:35; Luk 11:13). Prayer is the central element (the glue, if you will) that ties together the…
There are three types of peace for a Christian: 1) Peace with God: This is a heavenly peace (Rom 5:1–2; 8:6; Psa 119:11, 165; cf. Rom 5:10; Eph 2:13; Col 1:20–22). We enter this peace when we are born again…
The “wise” (Pro 1:3, 5; 8:33; 10:14; 12:15; 13:14, 20; 23:23; Psa 16:16; 107:43; Jas 3:13; Eph 5:15; 1Co 10:15) Christian’s heart directs him to seek “the wisdom from above” (Jas 3:17), which leads to “eternal life” and the…
All Christians should have a basic understanding of “the kingdom of God” (Mat 12:28; 19:24; 21:31, 43; Mar 1:15; 10:14; Luk 4:43; 6:20; 7:28; 9:2; Rom 14:17; 1Co 4:20; 2Th 1:5; cf. Col 1:13; 1Th 2:12; Rev 1:6, 9; 5:10),…
We must put on the full armor of God so we can “stand firm” in our faith; failure to do this can lead us to be unprepared to “fight the good fight of faith” (1Ti 6:12) in the world in…
We as humans tend to greatly underestimate the “holiness” (see Exo 3:5; Lev 19:2; Rev 4:8; Act 7:33; 1Pe 1:16; Isa 6:3; Psa 11:4; 24:3; 29:2; 30:4; 33:21; 47:8; 103:1) and “glory of the LORD” (see Luk 2:9; Rev 15:8;…
Let’s look at the future that awaits all those who “CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD” (see Act 2:21; 22:16; Rom 10:13; 1Co 1:2; cf. Gen 4:26; Isa 12:4; Psa 91:14–15; 105:1; 116:4, 13, 17) in truth and righteousness…
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