Names of the Lord

Old and New Testament Names of the Lord

The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
The righteous runs into it and is safe. – Proverbs 18:10

El nombre del Señor es torre fuerte,
A ella corre el justo y está a salvo. – Proverbios 18:10

In this chapter, we journey through some of the names used for each Person of the Holy Trinity. Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of all His names found in the Bible.

In historical times and in the days when the books of the Bible were written, the names given to people often represented and revealed their character and nature. Much could be learned about someone’s character through their name. In the Bible, the Lord often changed someone’s name when that person’s character and identity had changed or become.

In the Old Testament, Abram’s name (high father) was changed to Abraham (father of many) when God chose him (Gen 17:5). Jacob (heel-catcher, supplanter) had his name changed to Israel (he who wrestles with God, he who prevails with God) after he wrestles with God (Gen 32:22–31). In another example, the disciple first called Simon (he hears) later received the name Peter (rock or stone) from Jesus (Mat 16:17–19). And, of course, Saul (asked for; inquired of God) was changed to Paul (small, feeble, humble) when he was converted on the road to Damascus. The Lord certainly did humble the mighty Saul, but he also then went on to become a great advocate for Christ!

Now then, since names reveal character, how many more names are required to reveal and convey all the facets of the character of an infinite, eternal, and holy God? Surely, even though we find many names for God in the Bible, His depth and richness revealed through those names is just the beginning of the Rev of His glory! Many names are used for the Lord, and many are needed; through each name, we learn more about Him.

Also, I’m eagerly looking forward to the day when I see a new name written:

“To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.” – Rev 2:17

All “Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever. Amen.” – Rev 7:12

A couple of notes are in order:

  1. Some of the verses contain an epithet or description of God; nevertheless, we can learn by listing what those are as they also indicate part of God’s character.
  2. The various English translations have differing word choices for some of the original Hebrew/Greek verses which underly the names; unless otherwise noted, we will be using the NASB 1995 as our reference. See “Choosing a Bible.”


  1. God [אֱלֹהִים in Hebrew, ĕlôhı̂ym, Elohim, Theós or θεός in Greek] (Gen 1:1; 2:4; Isa 54:5; Jer 32:27; Isa 45:18; …)
  2. Lord [יְהֹוָה, YHWH / YHVH, Yahweh, yehôvâh, Jehovah] (Gen 4:3; Exo 6:2–3)
  3. Lord God [יְהֹוָה, YHWH / YHVH, Yahweh, Jehovah, yehôvâh] [אֱלֹהִים, ĕlôhı̂ym, Elohim] (Gen 2:4)
  4. Lord God [Adonai, ădônây] [יְהֹוָה, YHWH / YHVH, Yahweh, yehôvâh, Jehovah] [Kurios, Lord or Master] (Gen 15:2)
  5. Adonai [ădônây] (Gen 18:2; 40:1; 1Sa 1:15; Exo 21:1–6; Jos 5:14)
  6. Theos [Theós or θεός, listing here but also applies to Jesus] (Joh 1:1; 18; 20:28; 1Jn 5:20; Tit 2:13; Rom 9:5; Heb 1:8; 2Pe 1:1)
  7. Kurios [Greek word translated as Lord, listing here but also applies to Jesus] (Mat 8:6; Joh 20:28; Act 2:36; Rom 10:9; Php 2:11)


  1. I AM WHO I AM / I AM THAT I AM [Ehyeh asher Ehyeh] (Exo 3:13–14)
  2. I AM [היה, hâyâh, havah] (Exo 3:13–14)
  3. A Jealous God [El-Kanno, in a protective way] (Exo 20:5)
  4. Abba Father (Gal 4:6)
  5. God Almighty / The Almighty or All-sufficient God [El Shaddai] (Gen 17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Exo 6:1; Psa 91:1–2)
  6. God is My Salvation / The God of my Salvation [El Yeshuati] (Isa 12:2)
  7. God of gods / The Great, the Mighty, and the Awesome God / The Great God [El Haggadol] (Deu 10:17)
  8. The Ancient of Days [Attiyq Youm] (Dan 7:9)
  9. The Creator (Gen 1:1)
  10. The Everlasting God / The God of Eternity [El Olam] (Gen 21:33)
  11. The Faithful God [El Hanne’eman] (Deu 7:9)
  12. The God Most High / The Most High God [El Elyon] (Gen 14:18; Psa 9:2)
  13. The God of Heaven and Earth [Elah Shemaiya V’Arah] (Ezr 5:11)
  14. The God of Israel [Elah Yisrael, El Yisrael] (Ezr 5:1; Psa 68:35)
  15. The God of Jerusalem [Elah Yerushelem] (Ezr 7:19)
  16. The God of Knowledge [El De’ot] (1Sa 2:3)
  17. The God of Truth [El Emet] (Psa 31:5)
  18. The God Who Sees [El Roi] (Gen 16:13)
  19. The Holy God [El Hakkadosh] (Isa 5:16)
  20. The Lord Is Peace [Yahweh-shalom] (Jdg 6:24)
  21. The Lord Is There [Yahweh Shammah] (Eze 48:35)
  22. The Lord My Banner [Yahweh Nissi] (Exo 17:15)
  23. The Lord My Shepherd [Yahweh Ro’i] (Psa 23:1)
  24. The Lord of Hosts [Yahweh Tseva’ot, Yahweh Sabbaoth] (Isa 5:16; 1Sa 1:3; 17:45)
  25. The Lord Our Righteousness [Yahweh Tzidkenu] (Jer 23:6)
  26. The Lord the God of Israel [Yahweh Elohim Israel] (Jdg 5:3; Isa 17:6)
  27. The Lord Who Sanctifies You [Yahweh Mekaddishkhem] (Exo 31:13)
  28. The Lord Will Provide [Yahweh -jireh] (Gen 22:14)
  29. The Lord Your Healer / The Lord Who Heals [Yahweh Rapha] (Exo 15:26)
  30. The Majesty on High (Heb 1:3)
  31. The One God [El Echad] (Mal 2:10)


  1. A Cornerstone Chosen and Precious (1Pe 2:6)
  2. A Costly Cornerstone (Isa 28:16)
  3. A Descendant of David / The Seed of David [KJV] (Rom 1:3)
  4. A Firm / Sure Foundation (Isa 28:16)
  5. A Friend (Pro 18:24)
  6. A Horn of Salvation (Luk 1:69)
  7. A Lamb Unblemished and Spotless / The Spotless Lamb (1Pe 1:19)
  8. A Light to the Nations / Gentiles (Isa 42:6)
  9. A Peg / Nail in a Sure Place (Isa 22:23)
  10. A Ransom for Many (Mat 20:28; Mar 10:45)
  11. A Refuge from the Storm (Isa 25:4)
  12. A Resting Place (Jer 50:6)
  13. A Righteous Branch (Jer 23:5; 33:15)
  14. A Root Out of Parched Ground (Isa 53:2)
  15. A Servant / Bond-Servant (Luk 12:37; Php 2:7)
  16. A Shade from the Heat (Isa 25:4)
  17. A Shepherd (Isa 40:11)
  18. A Star out of Jacob, A Scepter out of Israel (Num 24:17)
  19. A Stone Cut without Hands (Dan 2:34; 45)
  20. A Stone of Stumbling and a Rock of Offense (Rom 9:33)
  21. A Strength / Defense for the Helpless / Needy (Isa 25:4)
  22. A Tender Shoot (Jer 23:5)
  23. A Tested Stone (Isa 28:16)
  24. All and in All (Col 3:11)
  25. An (Your) Advocate (1Jn 2:1)
  26. An Everlasting Rock (Isa 26:4)
  27. An / Our Example (Joh 13:15)
  28. Attested to You by God / Approved of God (Act 2:22)
  29. Brother / Sister (Mar 3:35)
  30. Everlasting / Eternal Father (Isa 9:6)
  31. Faithful and True (Rev 19:11)
  32. He Who Has the Key of David (Rev 3:7)
  33. He Who Has the Keys of Death and Hades (Rev 1:18)
  34. He Who Has the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Stars (Rev 3:1)
  35. He Who Is and Who Was and Who Is to Come (Rev 1:4; 1:8)
  36. He Who is Called Christ (Joh 4:25)
  37. He Who Lives and Was Dead (Rev 1:18)
  38. He Who Loves Us (Rev 1:5)
  39. He Who Open and No One Will Shut, Who Shuts and No One Opens (Rev 3:7)
  40. He Who Sits on the Throne of David (Luk 1:32)
  41. His Chosen One / The Chosen of God (Luk 23:35)
  42. I AM (Joh 8:58)
  43. Immanuel [God is with us] (Isa 7:14)
  44. Jesus[1] [“the name which is above every name”] (Php 2:9; …)
  45. Jesus Christ[2] (Mat 1:16; Mar 1:1; Joh 1:17; )
  46. Jesus of Nazareth (Mat 26:71; Mar 1:24; Luk 4:34; 18:37; Joh 1:45; Act 10:38; 26:9)
  47. Jesus the Messiah (Mat 1:1)
  48. Jesus the Nazarene (Act 22:8)
  49. King of the Nations (Rev 15:3)
  50. King Over All the Earth (Zec 14:9)
  51. Lord of / Over All (Act 10:36; Rom 10:12)
  52. Man of Sorrows (Isa 53:3)
  53. Messiah the Prince (Dan 9:25)
  54. Might God (Isa 9:6)
  55. My Beloved (Mat 12:18)
  56. My Friend (Joh 15:15)
  57. My Helper (Heb 13:6)
  58. My Redeemer (Job 19:25; Isa 59:20)
  59. My Restorer (Psa 23:3)
  60. My Rock and My Fortress (Psa 31:3)
  61. My Rock and My Redeemer (Psa 19:14)
  62. My Shepherd (Psa 23:1)
  63. My Well-beloved (Son 1:13)
  64. One Like a Son of Man (Rev 1:13)
  65. Our Hope (1Ti 1:1)
  66. Our Judge (Isa 33:22)
  67. Our Keeper (Joh 17:12)
  68. Our King (Isa 33:22)
  69. Our Lawgiver (Isa 33:22)
  70. Our Passover Lamb (1Co 5:7)
  71. Our Peace (Eph 2:14)
  72. Our Physician (Mat 9:12; Mar 2:17; Luk 5:31)
  73. Our Redemption (1Co 1:30)
  74. Our Refiner / Purifier (Mal 3:3)
  75. Our Righteousness (1Co 1:30)
  76. Our Sanctification (1Co 1:30)
  77. Our Savior (1Ti 1:1)
  78. Our Wisdom From God (1Co 1:30)
  79. Priest of the Order of Melchizedek (Psa 110:4; Heb 5:6; 7:15; 17)
  80. Sanctified and Sent by the Father (Joh 10:36)
  81. Shiloh (Gen 49:10)
  82. Son of the Most High God (Luk 1:32)
  83. Teacher (Joh 3:2)
  84. Teacher and Lord (Joh 13:13)
  85. The Almighty (Rev 1:8)
  86. The Alpha and the Omega (Rev 1:8; 21:6; 22:13)
  87. The Amen (Rev 3:14)
  88. The Anointed One (Luk 4:18; Act 4:27; 10:38; Heb 1:9)
  89. The Apostle and High Priest of our Confession (Heb 3:1)
  90. The Author and Perfecter / Finisher of Our Faith (Heb 12:2)
  91. The Beginning (Col 1:18)
  92. The Beginning and the End (Rev 21:6; 22:13)
  93. The Beginning of the Creation of God (Rev 3:14)
  94. The Bread of God Which Comes Down out of Heaven (Joh 6:33)
  95. The Bread of Life (Joh 6:35)
  96. The Bridegroom (Mat 9:15; Mar 2:19–20; Luk 5:34–35; Joh 3:29)
  97. The Bright and Morning Star (Rev 22:16)
  98. The Captain of the Host of the Lord (Jos 5:14)
  99. The Chief Shepherd (1Pe 5:4)
  100. The Christ (Mar 14:61)
  101. The Christ of God (Luk 23:35)
  102. The Cornerstone (1Pe 2:7)
  103. The Dayspring [KJV] (Luk 1:78)
  104. The Deliverer (Rom 11:26)
  105. The Despised and Forsaken of Men (Isa 53:3)
  106. The Door (Joh 10:1–2; 10:9; Rev 3:8; Rev 4:1)
  107. The Door of the Sheep (Joh 10:7)
  108. The Faithful and True Witness (Rev 3:14)
  109. The Faithful Witness (Rev 1:5)
  110. The First and the Last (Rev 1:17; 2:8; 22:13)
  111. The Firstborn of all Creation (Col 1:15)
  112. The Firstborn of / from the Dead (Col 1:18; Rev 1:5)
  113. The Glory of the Lord (Isa 40:5)
  114. The God of all Flesh (Jer 32:27)
  115. The God of all the Earth (Isa 54:5)
  116. The God Who Formed the Earth and Made It (Isa 45:18)
  117. The Good Shepherd (Joh 10:11)
  118. The Guarantee / Surety (Heb 7:22)
  119. The Head of the Body / Church (Col 1:18)
  120. The Head Over All Rule and Authority / The Head of all Principality and Power [KJV] (Col 2:10)
  121. The Healer (Luk 9:11)
  122. The Hidden Manna (Rev 2:17)
  123. The Holy One (Rev 3:7)
  124. The Holy One of God (Mar 1:24; Luk 4:34)
  125. The Holy One of Israel (Isa 54:5)
  126. The Image of the Invisible God / The Image of God (Col 1:15; 2Co 4:4)
  127. The Judge (Act 17:31; Jas 5:9)
  128. The King of Glory (Psa 24:10)
  129. The King of Kings (Rev 17:14)
  130. The King of Righteousness (Heb 7:2)
  131. The King of Salem / Peace (Heb 7:2)
  132. The King of the Jews (Mat 2:2; 15:2; 27:11; 29; 37; Mar 15:2; 15:9; 12; 16; Joh 19:19; 21; …)
  133. The Lamb (Rev 17:14)
  134. The Lamb of God (Joh 1:29)
  135. The Lamb that Was Slain (Rev 5:12)
  136. The Last Adam (1Co 15:45)
  137. The Life (Joh 14:6)
  138. The Light (Joh 12:35)
  139. The Light of Life (Joh 8:12)
  140. The Light of Men (Joh 1:4)
  141. The Light of the World (Joh 8:12)
  142. The Lily of the Valleys (Son 2:1)
  143. The Lion That is From the Tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5)
  144. The Living and True God (1Th 1:9)
  145. The Living Bread That Came Down out of Heaven (Joh 6:51)
  146. The Lord (1Co 12:3)
  147. The Lord Jesus Christ (Act 11:17; 15:25; 20:21; Rom 1:7; 5:1; …)
  148. The Lord of Glory (1Co 2:8)
  149. The Lord of Hosts (Psa 24:10)
  150. The Lord of lords (Rev 17:14)
  151. The Lord of Peace (2Th 3:16)
  152. The Lord Who Created the Heavens (Isa 45:18)
  153. The Master (Luk 12:37)
  154. The Messiah (Dan 9:26; Mat 1;1; 1:16–17; 2:4; Joh 1:41; 4:25)
  155. The Mighty One of Jacob (Isa 60:16)
  156. The Narrow Door (Luk 13:24–25)
  157. The One Mediator Between God and Men (1Ti 2:5)
  158. The One Who Has the Sharp Two-edged Sword (Rev 2:12)
  159. The One Who Holds the Seven Stars in His Right Hand (Rev 2:1)
  160. The One Who Sets Free (Joh 8:36)
  161. The One Who Walks Among the Seven Golden Lampstands (Rev 2:1)
  162. The Only Begotten God / Son [KJV] (Joh 1:18)
  163. The Only True God (Joh 17:3)
  164. The Portion of Jacob (Jer 10:16)
  165. The Prince of Life (Act 3:15)
  166. The Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6)
  167. The Prince of Princes (Dan 8:25)
  168. The Prophet of Nazareth (Mat 21:11)
  169. The Radiance / Brightness of His Glory (Heb 1:3)
  170. The Resurrection and the Life (Joh 11:25)
  171. The Righteous / Just One (Act 7:52)
  172. The Righteous Judge (2Ti 4:8)
  173. The Rock (1Co 10:4)
  174. The Root and the Descendant of David (Rev 22:16)
  175. The Root of David (Rev 5:5)
  176. The Root of Jesse (Isa 11:10)
  177. The Rose of Sharon (Son 2:1)
  178. The Ruler of the Kings of the Earth (Rev 1:5)
  179. The Second Man (1Co 15:47)
  180. The Seed of Abraham (Gal 3:16)
  181. The Son of Abraham (Mat 1:1)
  182. The Son of David (Mat 1:1)
  183. The Son of God (Joh 10:36)
  184. The Son of Man (Mat 8:20; 9:6; 10:23; 11:19; 12:8; Mar 10:33; Luk 19:10; …)
  185. The Son of the Blessed One (Mar 14:61)
  186. The Son of the Most High (Luk 1:32)
  187. The Stone Which the Builders Rejected (1Pe 2:7)
  188. The Sun of Righteousness (Mal 4:2)
  189. The Sunrise From on High (Luk 1:78)
  190. The Tree of Life (Rev 2:7)
  191. The True Light (Joh 1:9)
  192. The True One (Rev 3:7)
  193. The Truth (Joh 8:32; 14:6)
  194. The Vine / The True Vine (Joh 15:1; 5)
  195. The Way (Joh 14:6)
  196. The Word [logos] (Joh 1:1; 14)
  197. The Word of God (Rev 19:13)
  198. The / A Foundation (1Co 3:11)
  199. The / A Great High Priest (Heb 4:14)
  200. The / A Savior (Luk 2:11; Act 13:23; 1Jn 4:14; 2Pe 3:18)
  201. True Drink (Joh 6:55)
  202. True Food (Joh 6:55)
  203. Wonderful Counselor (Isa 9:6)
  204. Your Maker (Isa 54:5)


  1. A Breath of Life from God (Rev 11:11)
  2. He Who Bears Witness / He Who Testifies (Joh 15:26; Rom 8:16)
  3. Our Guide (Joh 16:13)
  4. Teacher (Joh 14:26; 1Co 2:13)
  5. The Convictor of Sin (Joh 16:8)
  6. The Eternal Spirit (Heb 9:14)
  7. The Good Spirit (of God) (Neh 9:20; Psa 143:10)
  8. The Helper, Comforter [KJV, parakletos, paraclete] (Joh 14:16; 26; 15:26; 16:8; 13; 1Co 2:13)
  9. The Holy Spirit of Promise (Eph 1:13)
  10. The Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost [KJV] (Psa 51:10–11; Luk 1:35; Act 5:3–4; Eph 4:30; …)
  11. The Oil of Gladness (Heb 1:9)
  12. The Pledge / Guarantee of Our Inheritance (Eph 1:13–14; 2Co 5:5)
  13. The Sealer (2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13)
  14. The Sevenfold Spirit of God / The Seven Spirits of God (Rev 3:1; 4:5)
  15. The Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:15)
  16. The Spirit of Burning (Isa 4:4)
  17. The Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9; 1Pe 1:11)
  18. The Spirit of Counsel and Strength / Might (Isa 11:2)
  19. The Spirit of Glory (1Pe 4:14)
  20. The Spirit of God (Gen 1:2; Job 33:4; Mat 3:16; Rom 8:9; 1Co 2:11; 1Pe 4:14; …)
  21. The Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zec 12:10; Heb 10:29)
  22. The Spirit of His Son (Gal 4:6)
  23. The Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:4)
  24. The Spirit of Jesus (Act 16:7)
  25. The Spirit of Jesus Christ (Php 1:19)
  26. The Spirit of Judgement (Isa 4:4)
  27. The Spirit of Justice (Isa 28:6)
  28. The Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord (Isa 11:2)
  29. The Spirit of Life (Rom 8:2)
  30. The Spirit of the Living God (2Co 3:3)
  31. The Spirit of the Lord (Isa 11:2; Act 5:9; 2Co 3:17)
  32. The Spirit of Truth (Joh 14:17; 15:26; 16:13)
  33. The Spirit of Wisdom and Rev in the Knowledge of Him (Eph 1:17)
  34. The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Isa 11:2)
  35. The Spirit of Your Father (Mat 10:20)
  36. The Spirit Who Intercedes for Us (Rom 8:26)
  37. The Spirit Who is from / of God (1Co 2:12)

[1] Jesus (Ἰησοῦς, Iésous)—the same as Joshua, יהושע Yehoshua; the name means God Saves or Jehovah is Salvation.

[2] Christ is not Jesus’ last name; it is a title that means “the Messiah” or the “anointed” one of God (also “the Christ of God, His Chosen One”; see Joh 1:41; 4:25; Luk 4:18; 9:20; 23:35; Act 10:38; Heb 1:9; and “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Mat 16:13–16). Christ and anointed are the same word in Greek and the same as messiach or Messiah in Hebrew.

Cite this article: Anderson, R. John. "Names of the Lord." Iron Sharpens Iron (isi.bible). Access date: March 12, 2025. https://isi.bible/bible-studies/names-of-the-lord/

Photographer and author R. John Anderson has journeyed the world over to capture the natural beauty of God’s creation. Having traveled to many countries and continents in a span of over thirty years, he has seen the amazing artistry that can be found in all types of locations, from the glacial fjords of polar Greenland to the wild Serengeti plains in Tanzania to the rich rain forests of Costa Rica. Nature’s greatest natural beauty often lies in the harshest deserts, remotest wilderness, and sub-zero ice-covered regions.

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