R. John Anderson

Author, Physicist, Photographer, Christian

Verse Reference List

When writing books, I try to utilize and identify Scripture in blue wherever possible and also list the verse citations (and some cross references) for the passages. Perhaps this list can be helpful as you do your own Bible study.…

Faith Comes From Hearing

It is not the job only of some “pastors” to share the gospel “message of truth” (Eph. 1:13) with others – we are each commanded by Jesus to do so (Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:19; Luke 14:21-23; John 20:21). Note that…


The Lord Will Rescue Me

Christ will never forget or forsake you. When you place your complete faith, trust, and hope in Him, it is an eternal decision. God doesn’t change His mind, break His promises, or speak lies. He cannot; His nature is perfect,…


The Peace of God

Do you trust completely in the Lord Jesus Christ? I mean for all things, great and small? For health, wealth, happiness, but also in persecution, trials, and tribulations? When you fully trust in the Lord, you will find that anxiety…


Unless One is Born Again

The “Kingdom of God” is a “spiritual” kingdom, “not of this world” (John 18:36), and is centered in heaven above where Christ is right now “ruling” and “reigning” in His Kingdom (Colossians 3:1). It is also “among us” – in…


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