Robert Anderson

First 30-Days Routine

It is important to develop a daily routine after being born again and you begin your walk (pilgrimage) as a Christian. This chapter offers some suggestions. Feel free to build on them as you see fit, but I recommend this…

A Faith Tune-Up

We must not take our eternal salvation lightly or for granted or just casually stroll toward heaven. Scripture instructs us to “test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about…


Helpful Websites

I’ve found the websites listed below to be helpful and generally free of false teachings. However, please note that I do not completely agree with or endorse all content in these resources. Great discernment must be used when reading, recommending,…


We are very blessed to have available to us today the good works and writings of many wonderful men of God who have come before us, true saints of the faith, many of whom also gave their lives for Christ…

Books by Holy Spirit Prints

Holy Spirit Prints was created to provide Biblically accurate faith-based books and products that showcase the natural beauty of God’s Creation by combining landscape, nature, and wildlife photography with Scripture. Our goal is to help provide inspirational reminders of the…

My Testimony

I was raised Methodist as a young child, although I’m not sure much of anything about that upbringing sunk in or stuck with me. I didn’t like church, didn’t want to be there, and didn’t remember any of it afterward.…

A Benediction

God does not grow tired.
He does not grow weary.
He does not need a day off.
He does not need to call in sick.
He does not need a vacation.
He does not need to stop and rest.
He does not need a time-out.
He does…

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